H.B. 4563: COMMITTEE SUMMARY                                 OUT-OF-STATE DISAPPEARANCES












House Bill 4563

Sponsor: Representative Roland Jersevic House Committee: Judiciary and Civil Rights Senate Committee: Judiciary


Date Completed: 5-22-95


SUMMARY OF HOUSE BILL 4563 as passed by the House:


The bill would amend the Revised Probate Code to specify that, if an accident or disaster occurred outside of Michigan and, as a result, it appeared that a Michigan resident had died but his or her remains had disappeared or were unidentifiable, the probate court of that individual's county of residence would have jurisdiction for purposes of determining the cause and date of death.


The bill also would extend to seven years, from the current three years, the deadline for filing a petition for a determination of the cause and date of death of a person who appears to have died as a result of an accident or disaster, but whose remains cannot be located or identified.


The bill specifies that, “The legislature intends that this amendatory act apply to a disappearance resulting from an accident or disaster that occurred before, on, or after the effective date” of the bill.


MCL 700.492a                                                                                 Legislative Analyst: P. Affholter




The bill would have no fiscal impact on State or local government.


Fiscal Analyst: L. Nacionales-Tafoya















This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.



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