House Bill 5420 (Substitute H-2 as passed by the House) Sponsor: Representative Beverly Hammerstrom
House Committee: Local Government Senate Committee: Government Operations
Date Completed: 12-3-96
The bill would amend the Michigan Election Law to require a candidate for delegate to a county or district convention of a political party to file an affidavit of identity with the county, city, or township clerk of the county, city, or township in which the candidate resided. The clerk would have to receive affidavits of identity up to 4 p.m. on the 12th Tuesday preceding the primary election in the county.
Currently, under the Act, a candidate must file a nominating petition with the county clerk by 4 p.m. of the 91st day preceding the election; the petition must contain at least three signatures of registered electors residing in the precinct. The bill would delete these provisions.
The bill would require a city or township clerk, within four days after the last day for filing an affidavit of identity, to forward to the county clerk the affidavit of identity of each candidate who qualified for a position on the primary ballot.
Currently, the required number of electors who receive the highest number of votes for political party county convention delegates must be declared elected; however, a candidate must have received at least three votes. The bill would eliminate the requirement that a candidate receive at least three votes to be elected.
MCL 168.607 et al. Legislative Analyst: G. Towne
The bill would require city and township clerks to forward to the county clerk affidavits of identity for candidates for delegate to county or district conventions. The Michigan Township Association and the Michigan Municipal League report that the fiscal impact would be minimal.
Fiscal Analyst: B. Bowerman
This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.
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