Senate Bill 302 (as passed by the Senate)

Sponsor: Senator Philip E. Hoffman

Committee: Appropriations

Date Completed: 3-21-97


Senate Bill 302 provides for a $70,000,000 FY 1996-97 Supplemental for the Department of Transportation and local road authorities. The appropriation consists of $50,000,000 from the unreserved balance of the Comprehensive Transportation Fund, $13,400,000 from implementation of the Motor Carrier Diesel Fuel Tax increase, and the balance from overall revenue growth.

The bill allocates the $70,000,000 as follows:

State Trunkline (39.1%) $27,370,000
County Road Commissions (39.1%) 27,370,000
Cities & Villages (21.8%) 15,260,000

In FY 1995-96 local road authorities received $693,899,770.30 from the Michigan Transportation Fund (MTF) distribution formula (including the local program fund). The supplemental represents a 6.1% increase to local authorities.

The bill was amended on the Senate Floor by including a $650,000 general fund supplemental to the Department of State Police to fully fund school bus inspections.

- Fiscal Analyst: B. Bowerman


This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.