Senate Bill 891 (as introduced 2-18-98)

Sponsor: Senator Mike Rogers

Committee: Economic Development, International Trade and Regulatory Affairs

Date Completed: 2-19-98


The bill would amend the Michigan Liquor Control Act to prohibit an on-premises licensee from doing the following: allowing monologues, dialogues, motion pictures, still slides, closed circuit television, contests or other performances for public viewing on the licensed premises unless an entertainment permit had been applied for and granted by the Liquor Control Commission; allowing dancing by customers unless a dance permit (which still would prohibit topless dancing) had been applied for and granted by the Commission; allowing topless dancing by customers or employees, or both, on the licensed premises unless a topless dance permit had been applied for and granted by the Commission; or allowing the activities that were allowed under the issued permits at times other than the legal hours for sale and consumption of alcoholic liquor. The performance or playing of an orchestra, piano, other types of musical instruments, singing, or any publicly broadcast television transmission from a Federally licensed station, however, would be allowed under the bill without a permit.

Under the bill, the Commission, after receiving applications requesting a permit for both types of activities, could issue to an on-premises licensee a combination dance-entertainment permit.

The bill would require the on-premises licensee to obtain the approval of the Commission, the local legislative body (except in cities with a population of more than 1,000,000), and the chief law enforcement officer of the premises.

The bill also would add that for an on-premises licensee who was granted an entertainment permit under the Michigan Administrative Code and, after January 1, 1998, had extended the activities to include topless dancing, the licensee would have to apply to the Commission for a topless dancing permit within 60 days after the bill's effective date to continue the topless dancing activity.

Proposed MCL 436.26d - Legislative Analyst: N. Nagata


Fiscal information is not available at this time.

- Fiscal Analyst: M. Tyszkiewicz


This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.