Senate Bill 1021 (as introduced 3-18-98)
Sponsor: Senator Dave Jaye
Committee: Hunting, Fishing and Forestry
Date Completed: 3-23-98
The bill would repeal the following Local Acts which prohibit or restrict Sunday hunting: Local Act 1 of 1935 (Hillsdale County), Local Act 1 of 1931 (Lenawee County), Local Act 9 of 1947 (Macomb County), Local Act 4 of 1939 (St. Clair County), Local Act 2 of 1927 (Tuscola County), and Local Act 9 of 1927 (Washtenaw County).
Currently, the Local Acts prevent hunting for game animals and game birds with firearms or dogs on any Sunday in the respective counties. The Acts are effective after approval by a majority of the electors voting in the counties. Under the Acts, a person is subject to a misdemeanor charge and the following penalties for a violation:
-- A fine of up to $100 and/or imprisonment in a county jail for up to 90 days. (Hillsdale and Macomb)
-- A fine of up to $25 and prosecution costs and/or imprisonment in a county jail for up to 30 days. (Lenawee and St. Clair)
-- A fine of at least $10 and up to $25 and prosecution costs and/or imprisonment in a county jail for up to 30 days. (Tuscola and Washtenaw)
All of the Acts, except Local Act 1 of 1935, allow State conservation officers to receive the same fees for making an arrest under the Acts that other officers make for similar service.
- Legislative Analyst: N. Nagata
The bill would have no fiscal impact on State or local government.
- Fiscal Analyst: G. Cutler
This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.