January 30, 1997, Introduced by Reps. Cherry, Profit, Bogardus, Schermesser, Kaza, Anthony, Hale, Leland, Freeman, Schauer, DeHart, Hanley, Prusi, Wetters, Martinez, Rison, Baird, Baade, Varga, Gire, Brown, Goschka, Wojno, Parks, Stallworth, Callahan and Price and referred to the Committee on Human Services and Children. A bill to amend 1967 PA 281, entitled "Income tax act of 1967," by amending section 30 (MCL 206.30), as amended by 1995 PA 230. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 30. (1) "Taxable income" means, for a person other 2 than a corporation, estate, or trust, adjusted gross income as 3 defined in the internal revenue code subject to the following 4 adjustments: 5 (a) Add gross interest income and dividends derived from 6 obligations or securities of states other than Michigan, in the 7 same amount that has been excluded from adjusted gross income 8 less related expenses not deducted in computing adjusted gross 9 income because of section 265(a)(1) of the internal revenue 10 code. 00742'97 RJA 2 1 (b) Add taxes on or measured by income to the extent the 2 taxes have been deducted in arriving at adjusted gross income. 3 (c) Add losses on the sale or exchange of obligations of the 4 United States government, the income of which this state is pro- 5 hibited from subjecting to a net income tax, to the extent that 6 the loss has been deducted in arriving at adjusted gross income. 7 (d) Deduct, to the extent included in adjusted gross income, 8 income derived from obligations, or the sale or exchange of obli- 9 gations, of the United States government that this state is pro- 10 hibited by law from subjecting to a net income tax, reduced by 11 any interest on indebtedness incurred in carrying the obligations 12 and by any expenses incurred in the production of that income to 13 the extent that the expenses, including amortizable bond premi- 14 ums, were deducted in arriving at adjusted gross income. 15 (e) Deduct, to the extent included in adjusted gross income, 16 compensation, including retirement benefits, received for serv- 17 ices in the armed forces of the United States. 18 (f) Deduct the following to the extent included in adjusted 19 gross income: 20 (i) Retirement or pension benefits received from a federal 21 public retirement system or from a public retirement system of or 22 created by this state or a political subdivision of this state. 23 (ii) Retirement or pension benefits received from a public 24 retirement system of or created by another state or any of its 25 political subdivisions if the income tax laws of the other state 26 permit a similar deduction or exemption or a reciprocal deduction 27 or exemption of a retirement or pension benefit received from a 00742'97 3 1 public retirement system of or created by this state or any of 2 the political subdivisions of this state. 3 (iii) Social security benefits as defined in section 86 of 4 the internal revenue code. 5 (iv) Before October 1, 1994, retirement or pension benefits 6 from any other retirement or pension system as follows: 7 (A) For a single return, the sum of not more than 8 $7,500.00. 9 (B) For a joint return, the sum of not more than 10 $10,000.00. 11 (v) After September 30, 1994, retirement or pension benefits 12 not deductible under subparagraph (i) or subdivision (e) from any 13 other retirement or pension system or benefits from a retirement 14 annuity policy in which payments are made for life to a senior 15 citizen, to a maximum of the amounts provided for in section 16 30a. The maximum amounts allowed under this subparagraph shall 17 be reduced by the amount of the deduction for retirement or pen- 18 sion benefits claimed under subparagraph (i) or subdivision (e) 19 and for tax years after the 1996 tax year by the amount of a 20 deduction claimed under subdivision (r). For the 1995 tax year 21 and each tax year after 1995, the maximum amounts allowed under 22 this subparagraph shall be adjusted by the percentage increase in 23 the Detroit consumer price index for the immediately preceding 24 calendar year. The department shall annualize the amounts pro- 25 vided in this subparagraph and subparagraph (iv) as necessary for 26 tax years that end after September 30, 1994. As used in this 00742'97 4 1 subparagraph, "senior citizen" means that term as defined in 2 section 514. 3 (vi) The amount determined to be the section 22 amount eli- 4 gible for the elderly and permanently and totally disabled credit 5 provided in section 22 of the internal revenue code. 6 (g) Adjustments resulting from the application of section 7 271. 8 (h) Adjustments with respect to estate and trust income as 9 provided in section 36. 10 (i) Adjustments resulting from the allocation and apportion- 11 ment provisions of chapter 3. 12 (j) Deduct political contributions as described in section 4 13 of the Michigan campaign finance act, Act No. 388 of the Public 14 Acts of 1976, being section 169.204 of the Michigan Compiled 15 Laws 1976 PA 388, MCL 169.204, or section 301 of title III of 16 the federal election campaign act of 1971, Public Law 92-225, 2 17 U.S.C. 431, not in excess of $50.00 per annum, or $100.00 per 18 annum for a joint return. 19 (k) Deduct, to the extent included in adjusted gross income, 20 wages not deductible under section 280C of the internal revenue 21 code. 22 (l) Deduct the following payments made by the taxpayer in 23 the tax year: 24 (i) The amount of payment made under an advance tuition pay- 25 ment contract as provided in the Michigan education trust act, 26 Act No. 316 of the Public Acts of 1986, being sections 390.1421 00742'97 5 1 to 390.1444 of the Michigan Compiled Laws 1986 PA 316, MCL 2 390.1421 TO 390.1444. 3 (ii) The amount of payment made under a contract with a pri- 4 vate sector investment manager that meets all of the following 5 criteria: 6 (A) The contract is certified and approved by the board of 7 directors of the Michigan education trust to provide equivalent 8 benefits and rights to purchasers and beneficiaries as an advance 9 tuition payment contract as described in subparagraph (i). 10 (B) The contract applies only for a state institution of 11 higher education as defined in the Michigan education trust act, 12 Act No. 316 of the Public Acts of 1986 1986 PA 316, MCL 13 390.1421 TO 390.1444, or a community or junior college in 14 Michigan. 15 (C) The contract provides for enrollment by the contract's 16 qualified beneficiary in not less than 4 years after the date on 17 which the contract is entered into. 18 (D) The contract is entered into after either of the 19 following: 20 (I) The purchaser has had his or her offer to enter into an 21 advance tuition payment contract rejected by the board of direc- 22 tors of the Michigan education trust, if the board determines 23 that the trust cannot accept an unlimited number of enrollees 24 upon an actuarially sound basis. 25 (II) The board of directors of the Michigan education trust 26 determines that the trust can accept an unlimited number of 27 enrollees upon an actuarially sound basis. 00742'97 6 1 (m) If an advance tuition payment contract under the 2 Michigan education trust act, Act No. 316 of the Public Acts of 3 1986 1986 PA 316, MCL 390.1421 TO 390.1444, or another contract 4 for which the payment was deductible under subdivision (l) is 5 terminated and the qualified beneficiary under that contract does 6 not attend a university, college, junior or community college, or 7 other institution of higher education, add the amount of a refund 8 received by the taxpayer as a result of that termination or the 9 amount of the deduction taken under subdivision (l) for payment 10 made under that contract, whichever is less. 11 (n) Deduct from the taxable income of a purchaser the amount 12 included as income to the purchaser under the internal revenue 13 code after the advance tuition payment contract entered into 14 under the Michigan education trust act, Act No. 316 of the 15 Public Acts of 1986 1986 PA 316, MCL 390.1421 TO 390.1444, is 16 terminated because the qualified beneficiary attends an institu- 17 tion of postsecondary education other than either a state insti- 18 tution of higher education or an institution of postsecondary 19 education located outside this state with which a state institu- 20 tion of higher education has reciprocity. 21 (o) Add, to the extent deducted in determining adjusted 22 gross income, the net operating loss deduction under section 172 23 of the internal revenue code. 24 (p) Deduct a net operating loss deduction for the taxable 25 year as defined in DETERMINED UNDER section 172 of the internal 26 revenue code subject to the modifications under section 172(b)(2) 27 of the internal revenue code and subject to the allocation and 00742'97 7 1 apportionment provisions of chapter 3 of this act for the taxable 2 year in which the loss was incurred. 3 (q) For a tax year beginning after 1986, deduct, to the 4 extent included in adjusted gross income, benefits from a dis- 5 criminatory self-insurance medical expense reimbursement plan. 6 (r) After September 30, 1994 and before the 1997 tax year, a 7 taxpayer who is a senior citizen may deduct, to the extent 8 included in adjusted gross income, interest and dividends 9 received in the tax year not to exceed $1,000.00 for a single 10 return or $2,000.00 for a joint return. However, for tax years 11 before the 1997 tax year, the deduction under this subdivision 12 shall not be taken if the taxpayer takes a deduction for retire- 13 ment benefits under subdivision (e) or a deduction under 14 subdivision (f)(i), (ii), (iv), or (v). For tax years after the 15 1996 tax year, a taxpayer who is a senior citizen may deduct to 16 the extent included in adjusted gross income, interest, divi- 17 dends, and capital gains received in the tax year not to exceed 18 $3,500.00 for a single return and $7,000.00 for a joint return 19 for the 1997 tax year, and the amounts determined under 20 section 30c for tax years after the 1997 tax year. For tax years 21 after the 1996 tax year, the maximum amounts allowed under this 22 subdivision shall be reduced by the amount of a deduction claimed 23 for retirement benefits under subdivision (e) or a deduction 24 claimed under subdivision (f)(i), (ii), (iv), or (v). For the 25 1995 tax year, for the 1996 tax year, and for each tax year after 26 the 1998 tax year, the maximum amounts allowed under this 27 subdivision shall be adjusted by the percentage increase in the 00742'97 8 1 Detroit consumer price index for the immediately preceding 2 calendar year. The department shall annualize the amounts pro- 3 vided in this subdivision as necessary for tax years that end 4 after September 30, 1994. As used in this subdivision, "senior 5 citizen" means that term as defined in section 514. 6 (S) FOR THE 1997 TAX YEAR AND EACH TAX YEAR AFTER 1997, 7 DEDUCT, TO THE EXTENT INCLUDED IN ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME, THE 8 AMOUNT OF EMPLOYMENT RELATED QUALIFIED CHILD CARE EXPENSES PAID 9 IN THE TAX YEAR NOT TO EXCEED $5,000.00 PER CHILD. AS USED IN 10 THIS SUBDIVISION: 11 (i) "EMPLOYMENT RELATED QUALIFIED CHILD CARE EXPENSES" MEANS 12 QUALIFIED CHILD CARE EXPENSES INCURRED TO ENABLE THE TAXPAYER TO 13 BE GAINFULLY EMPLOYED. 14 (ii) "QUALIFIED CHILD CARE EXPENSES" MEANS EXPENSES PAID FOR 15 THE CARE OF A DEPENDENT OF THE TAXPAYER TO A CHILD CARE CENTER, 16 DAY CARE CENTER, FAMILY DAY CARE HOME, OR GROUP HOME, LICENSED OR 17 REGISTERED BY THE FAMILY INDEPENDENCE AGENCY UNDER 1973 PA 116, 18 MCL 722.111 TO 722.128, OR PAID TO AN INDIVIDUAL UNRELATED TO THE 19 TAXPAYER WHO PROVIDES CHILD CARE IN THE TAXPAYER'S HOME. 20 (2) The following personal exemptions multiplied by the 21 number of personal or dependency exemptions allowable on the 22 taxpayer's federal income tax return pursuant to the internal 23 revenue code shall be subtracted from taxable income: 24 (a) For a tax year beginning during 1987......... $1,600.00. 25 (b) For a tax year beginning during 1988......... $1,800.00. 26 (c) For a tax year beginning during 1989......... $2,000.00. 00742'97 9 1 (d) For a tax year beginning after 1989 and before 2 1995.................................................. $2,100.00. 3 (e) For a tax year beginning during 1995 or 1996 $2,400.00. 4 (f) Except as otherwise provided in section 30b, for 5 a tax year beginning after 1996....................... $2,500.00. 6 (3) A single additional exemption of $1,400.00 for a tax 7 year beginning during 1987, $1,200.00 for a tax year beginning 8 during 1988, $1,000.00 for a tax year beginning during 1989, and 9 $900.00 for a tax year beginning after 1989 is allowed in each of 10 the following circumstances: 11 (a) The taxpayer is a paraplegic, a quadriplegic, a hemiple- 12 gic, a person who is blind as defined in section 504, or a 13 totally and permanently disabled person as defined in section 14 522. 15 (b) The taxpayer is a deaf person as defined in section 2 of 16 the deaf persons' interpreters act, Act No. 204 of the Public 17 Acts of 1982, being section 393.502 of the Michigan Compiled 18 Laws 1982 PA 204, MCL 393.502. 19 (c) The taxpayer is 65 years of age or older. 20 (d) The return includes unemployment compensation that 21 amounts to 50% or more of adjusted gross income. 22 (4) For a tax year beginning after 1987, an individual with 23 respect to whom a deduction under section 151 of the internal 24 revenue code is allowable to another federal taxpayer during the 25 tax year is not considered to have an allowable federal exemption 26 for purposes of subsection (2), but may deduct $500.00 from 00742'97 10 1 taxable income for a tax year beginning in 1988 and $1,000.00 for 2 a tax year beginning after 1988. 3 (5) A nonresident or a part-year resident is allowed that 4 proportion of an exemption or deduction allowed under subsection 5 (2), (3), or (4) that the taxpayer's portion of adjusted gross 6 income from Michigan sources bears to the taxpayer's total 7 adjusted gross income. 8 (6) For a tax year beginning after 1987, in calculating tax- 9 able income, a taxpayer shall not subtract from adjusted gross 10 income the amount of prizes won by the taxpayer under the 11 McCauley-Traxler-Law-Bowman-McNeely lottery act, Act No. 239 of 12 the Public Acts of 1972, being sections 432.1 to 432.47 of the 13 Michigan Compiled Laws 1972 PA 239, MCL 432.1 TO 432.47. 00742'97 Final page. RJA