HOUSE BILL No. 4222 February 4, 1997, Introduced by Reps. Dobronski, Brewer, Harder, Willard, Hale, Anthony, Wetters, Schauer, Prusi, DeHart, Ciaramitaro, Varga, Schermesser, Leland, Gire, Raczkowski, Martinez, Cherry, Hanley, Goschka, Wojno, McBryde, Bogardus and Callahan and referred to the Committee on Judiciary. A bill to amend 1982 PA 294, entitled "Friend of the court act," by amending section 18 (MCL 552.518), as amended by 1996 PA 144. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 18. (1) Subject tosubsections (3) andSUBSECTION 2 (4), upon the request of the office of the friend of the court, 3 any employer or former employer of a custodial parent or an 4 absent parent as defined in section 1 of the office of child sup- 5 port act,Act No. 174 of the Public Acts of 1971, being section6400.231 of the Michigan Compiled Laws1971 PA 174, MCL 400.231, 7 shall provide all of the following information relative to the 8 custodial parent or absent parent: 9 (a) Full name and address. 10 (b) Social security number. 00783'97 GWH 2 1 (c) Date of birth. 2 (d) Amount of wages earned by or other income due the 3 custodial parent or absent parent. As used in thissubdivision4and subdivision (e)SECTION, "income" meansincomeTHAT TERM 5 as defined in section 2 of the support and parenting time 6 enforcement act,Act No. 295 of the Public Acts of 1982, being7section 552.602 of the Michigan Compiled Laws1982 PA 295, MCL 8 552.602. Both net and gross income shall be reported, regardless 9 of method of payment. 10 (e) The following information concerning the person's cur- 11 rent and former employment status: whether or not the custodial 12 parent or absent parent is currently employed, laid off, on sick, 13 disability, or other leave of absence, or retired, and THE amount 14 of income due from an employment related benefit plan, if any. 15 (f) Dependent health care coverage available to the custo- 16 dial parent or absent parent as a benefit of employment. UPON 17 REQUEST OF THE OFFICE OF THE FRIEND OF THE COURT, THE INFORMATION 18 PROVIDED UNDER THIS SUBDIVISION SHALL INCLUDE INFORMATION ABOUT 19 THE VARIOUS BENEFITS AND OPTIONS, ALONG WITH THEIR COSTS, AVAIL- 20 ABLE FOR THE PARENT'S DEPENDENTS. 21 (2) THE OFFICE OF THE FRIEND OF THE COURT MAY REQUEST FROM 22 AN EMPLOYER, INSURER, HEALTH MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATION, HEALTH 23 CARE CORPORATION, OR OTHER PERSON THAT PROVIDES HEALTH CARE COV- 24 ERAGE FOR A PARENT SUBJECT TO AN ORDER TO OBTAIN AND MAINTAIN 25 HEALTH CARE COVERAGE FOR HIS OR HER CHILD INFORMATION ABOUT THE 26 VARIOUS BENEFITS AND OPTIONS, ALONG WITH THEIR COSTS, AVAILABLE 27 FOR THE CHILD. 00783'97 3 1 (3)(2)A request for information under this section shall 2 certify that the information obtained will be treated as confi- 3 dential and shall not be used or released except for the purposes 4 of administering, enforcing, and complying with state and federal 5 laws governing child support. 6 (4)(3)A former employer shall not be required to provide 7 information concerning a person who was last employed by the 8 former employer more than 3 years before the date of the 9 request. 10 (5)(4)This section does not require the creation or 11 maintenance of records not otherwise required to be created or 12 maintained, or require an employer or former employer to discover 13 information not contained in records of, or otherwise known to, 14 the employer or former employer. 15 (6)(5)A copy of information provided to the office under 16 this section shall be made available to the custodial parent or 17 absent parent, or both, upon his or her request. 00783'97 Final page. GWH