April 8, 1997, Introduced by Reps. Murphy, Wallace, Baird, Cherry, Profit, Mans, Dobronski, Wetters, Johnson, McBryde, Gilmer, Martinez, Freeman, Gubow, Prusi, Wojno, Bogardus, DeHart, Goschka, Scott, Varga, LaForge, Willard, Brater, Anthony and Hale and referred to the Committee on Colleges and Universities. A bill to amend 1986 PA 102, entitled "An act to establish a grant program for certain part-time, inde- pendent students in this state; and to prescribe the powers and duties of certain state agencies and institutions of higher education," by amending section 3 (MCL 390.1283). THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 3. A person is eligible to participate in the grant 2 program if he or she: 3 (a) Is a part-time student. 4 (b) Is an independent student. 5 (c) Has not been enrolled in a high school diploma program 6 other than general educational development (GED) or adult educa- 7 tion for at least the 2 preceding years. 8 (d) Is enrolled or accepted for enrollment in an 9 undergraduate program of not less than 9 months duration leading 00715'97 e TAV 2 1 to a degree or certificate from a Michigan degree granting 2 educational institution that is approved by the state board of 3 education AND THAT IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE MICHIGAN CAMPUS 4 SEXUAL ASSAULT INFORMATION ACT. 5 (e) Has resided continuously in this state for the immedi- 6 ately preceding 12 months and is not considered a resident of any 7 other state. 8 (f) Is not incarcerated in a corrections institution. 9 (g) Has complied with this act and the rules promulgated 10 under this act by the authority. 11 (h) Is a United States citizen or permanent resident. 12 (i) Is not enrolled in a program leading to a degree in the- 13 ology or divinity. 14 (j) Is not in default on a loan guaranteed by the 15 authority. 16 (k) Is shown by the school to be making satisfactory aca- 17 demic progress. 18 Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take 19 effect unless Senate Bill No. ____ or House Bill No. ____ 20 (request no. 00715'97) of the 89th Legislature is enacted into 21 law. 00715'97 e Final page. TAV