HOUSE BILL No. 4552 April 8, 1997, Introduced by Reps. Brewer, Freeman, Baird, Mans, Profit, Dobronski, Wetters, McBryde, Johnson, McManus, Gire, Gubow, Martinez, Wojno, Prusi, Bogardus, DeHart, Goschka, Scott, Varga, LaForge, Willard, Brater, Anthony, Hale and Gilmer and referred to the Committee on Colleges and Universities. A bill to amend 1966 PA 313, entitled "An act to award tuition grants to resident students enrolled in independent nonprofit institutions of higher learning; and to make an appropriation therefor," by amending section 1 (MCL 390.991), as amended by 1980 PA 503. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 1. Tuition grants are established by the state to 2 foster the pursuit of higher education by resident students 3 enrolled in independent nonprofit colleges or universities in the 4 state., which haveTO BE ELIGIBLE FOR ITS STUDENTS TO RECEIVE 5 TUITION GRANTS UNDER THIS ACT, AN INDEPENDENT NONPROFIT COLLEGE 6 OR UNIVERSITY SHALL MEET ALL OF THE FOLLOWING: 7 (A) HAVE filed with the STATE board of education a certifi- 8 cate of assurance of compliance with title 6 of the civil rights 9 act of 1964, Public Law 88-352, 77 Stat. 241, as in effect on 10 January 1, 1966., whose00715'97 b TAV 2 1 (B) HAVE instructional programs THAT are not comprised 2 solely of sectarian instruction or religious worship., and3which are4 (C) BE approved by the state board of education. 5 (D) BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE MICHIGAN CAMPUS SEXUAL ASSAULT 6 INFORMATION ACT. 7 Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take 8 effect unless Senate Bill No. _____ or House Bill No. _____ 9 (request no. 00715'97) of the 89th Legislature is enacted into 10 law. 00715'97 b Final page. TAV