March 3, 1998, Introduced by Senators GEAKE, BENNETT and JAYE and referred to the Committee on Hunting, Fishing and Forestry. A bill to amend 1964 PA 170, entitled "An act to make uniform the liability of municipal corporations, political subdivisions, and the state, its agencies and depart- ments, officers, employees, and volunteers thereof, and members of certain boards, councils, and task forces when engaged in the exercise or discharge of a governmental function, for injuries to property and persons; to define and limit this liability; to define and limit the liability of the state when engaged in a proprietary function; to authorize the purchase of liability insurance to protect against loss arising out of this liability; to provide for defending certain claims made against public offi- cers and paying damages sought or awarded against them; to pro- vide for the legal defense of public officers and employees; to provide for reimbursement of public officers and employees for certain legal expenses; and to repeal certain acts and parts of acts," (MCL 691.1401 to 691.1415) by adding section 7a. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 SEC. 7A. A LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY THAT SEIZES A PISTOL 2 UNDER 1927 PA 372, MCL 28.421 TO 28.434, IS CIVILLY LIABLE TO THE 3 OWNER OF THE PISTOL FOR NEGLIGENTLY OR INTENTIONALLY LOSING OR 4 DAMAGING THE PISTOL AS SET FORTH IN THAT ACT. 05123'97 b * TVD 2 1 Enacting section 1. This amendatory act takes effect 2 January 1, 1999. 3 Enacting section 2. This amendatory act does not take 4 effect unless all of the following bills of the 89th Legislature 5 are enacted into law: 6 (a) Senate Bill No. 987. 7 8 (b) Senate Bill No. __________ or House Bill No. __________ 9 (request no. 05123'97 a *). 10 (c) Senate Bill No. __________ or House Bill No. __________ 11 (request no. 05123'97 c *). 12 (d) Senate Bill No. __________ or House Bill No. __________ 13 (request no. 05123'97 d *). 14 (e) Senate Bill No. 967. 15 16 (f) Senate Bill No. __________ or House Bill No. __________ 17 (request no. 05750'98 *). 18 (g) Senate Bill No. 983. 19 20 (h) Senate Bill No. 984. 21 22 (i) Senate Bill No. 985. 23 24 (j) Senate Bill No. 986. 25 05123'97 b * Final page. TVD