SENATE BILL NO. 1115 May 6, 1998, Introduced by Senators BENNETT and SHUGARS and referred to the Committee on Government Operations. A bill to create the student advocate program at institu- tions of higher education; and to prescribe the powers and duties of certain state departments and officials. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 1. As used in this act: 2 (a) "Advocate" means the student advocate created in 3 section 2. 4 (b) "Department" means the department of education. 5 (c) "Institution of higher education" means a college, uni- 6 versity, community college, or junior college described in 7 section 4, 5, or 6 of article VIII of the state constitution of 8 1963 or established under section 7 of article VIII of the state 9 constitution of 1963. 10 (d) "Student" means a person who is enrolled or accepted for 11 enrollment at an institution of higher education. 06127'98 LTB 2 1 Sec. 2. The position of higher education student advocate 2 is created in the department of education. The advocate shall 3 review complaints from students who feel that their teaching 4 assistant does not speak English well enough that a reasonable 5 person is able to understand. 6 Sec. 3. The advocate shall establish procedures for receiv- 7 ing and processing a complaint from a student, conducting an 8 investigation, and reporting findings resulting from his or her 9 investigation to the department chair and the dean of the univer- 10 sity or college. 11 Sec. 4. The advocate may do all of the following: 12 (a) Accept and review complaints from students regarding 13 teaching assistants. 14 (b) Decide, in his or her discretion, whether to investigate 15 a complaint. 16 (c) Submit a report of his or her findings and recommenda- 17 tions to the department chair and dean of the university or 18 college. 06127'98 Final page. LTB