SENATE BILL NO. 1153 May 21, 1998, Introduced by Senator A. SMITH and referred to the Committee on Appropriations. A bill to amend 1979 PA 94, entitled "The state school aid act of 1979," by amending section 25 (MCL 388.1625), as added by 1996 PA 300. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 25. (1) If a pupil is enrolled in an alternative edu- 2 cation program operated by an intermediate district,or3 district, OR COMMUNITY COLLEGE formiddle school or high school4pupils, or both,K-12 PUPILS who have been expelled, OR WHO HAVE 5 BEEN SUSPENDED FOR MORE THAN 10 SCHOOL DAYS, FOR ANY REASON under 6 section 1311 of the revised school code,being section 380.13117of the Michigan Compiled LawsMCL 380.1311, the intermediate 8 district,ordistrict, OR COMMUNITY COLLEGE operating the pro- 9 gram shall report the enrollment information to the department 10 and to the district in which the pupil is counted in membership, 11 and the district in which the pupil is counted in membership 02086'97 TAV 2 1 shall pay to the intermediate district,ordistrict, OR 2 COMMUNITY COLLEGE operating the program an amount equal to the 3 amount of the foundation allowance received by the district in 4 which the pupil is counted in membership, prorated according to 5 the number of days of the school year ending in the fiscal year 6 the pupil is educated in the alternative education program com- 7 pared to the number of days of the school year ending in the 8 fiscal year the pupil was actually enrolled in the district in 9 which the pupil is counted in membership. If a district does not 10 make the payment required under this section by May 1 of a school 11 year, the department shall calculate the amount owed, shall 12 deduct that amount from the remaining state school aid payments 13 to the district for that fiscal year under this act, and shall 14 pay that amount to the intermediate district,ordistrict, OR 15 COMMUNITY COLLEGE operating the alternative education program. 16 The district in which the pupil is counted in membership and the 17 intermediate district,ordistrict, OR COMMUNITY COLLEGE oper- 18 ating the alternative education program shall provide to the 19 department all information the department requires to enforce 20 this section. 21 (2) AS USED IN THIS SECTION, "COMMUNITY COLLEGE" MEANS A 22 COMMUNITY COLLEGE ESTABLISHED UNDER THE COMMUNITY COLLEGE ACT OF 23 1966, 1966 PA 331, MCL 389.1 TO 389.195, OR UNDER PART 25 OF THE 24 REVISED SCHOOL CODE, MCL 380.1601 TO 380.1607. 02086'97 Final page. TAV