House Bill 4328
Sponsor: Rep. Triette Reeves
Committee: Criminal Law and Corrections
Complete to 3-9-99
House Bill 4328 would amend the Penal Code to add two circumstances that would constitute aggravated stalking. Specifically, under the bill a person would be guilty of aggravated stalking (as distinguished from stalking) when he or she had been previously convicted of a domestic assault crime, or when he or she had been previously convicted of making malicious phone calls with the intent to terrorize, frighten, intimidate, threaten, harass, molest, or annoy.
Under the law, stalking is defined as "a willful course of conduct involving repeated or continuing harassment of another individual that intimidated, threatened, harassed, or molested and that actually threatened, harassed, or molested." The current law then specifies that an individual is guilty of aggravated stalking if the stalking involves any of the following circumstances: a violation of a restraining order or a violation of a condition of parole, a credible threat against the victim, or a previous conviction of stalking or aggravated stalking.
MCL 750.411i
Analyst: W. Flory