House Bill 5667

Sponsor: Rep. Jason Allen

Committee: Transportation

Complete to 4-25-00


House Bill 5667 would amend the Railroad Code of 1993 to increase the amount contributed annually by road authorities to railroads for maintenance of active traffic control devices.

Under current law, after initial installation, all active traffic control devices, circuitry, and appurtenances at railroad crossings must be maintained, enhanced, renewed, and replaced by the railroad at its own expense. However, the law specifies that the road authority must pay the following amounts annually to the railroad for the maintenance of each crossing with active traffic control devices not covered by existing or future railroad-road authority agreements.

-$580 for flashing signals on a single track,

-$750 for flashing signals and gates on a single track,

-$520 for flashing signals on cantilevers on a single track,

-$1,040 for flashing signals on cantilevers with gates on a single track,

-$940 for flashing signals and gates on multiple tracks, and

-$1,150 for flashing signals on cantilevers and gates on a multiple track.

Further, the law requires that the railroad furnish standard equipment that is uniform for all railroads, at a cost and installation basis consistent for all railroads. In addition and under the law, the Department of Transportation was required to complete a study by January 1, 1999, to determine the cost of maintenance of active traffic control devices, and to forward a copy of the report to the members of the House and Senate committees that consider railroad information.

House Bill 5667 would increase the amounts paid annually by the road authorities, as follows:

-$760 (rather than $580) for flashing signals on a single track,

-$830 (rather than $750) for flashing signals and gates on a single track,

-$895 (rather than $520) for flashing signals with cantilever arm on a single track,

-$1,215 (rather than $1,040) for flashing signals with cantilever arm with gates on a single track,

-$1,230 (rather than $940) for flashing signals and gates on multiple tracks, and

-$1,630 (rather than $1,150) for flashing signals with cantilever arms and gates on a multiple track.

Further, the bill would set the amounts for two new categories of active traffic control devices, to be paid annually by the road authorities, as follows:

-$725 for flashing signals on a multiple track, and

-$1,005 for flashing signals with cantilever arms on a multiple track.

Finally, House Bill 5667 would require that by January 1, 2010 and every 10 years after 2010, the department complete a study to determine the maintenance costs of active traffic control devices, and forward a copy of the report to the members of the House and Senate committees that consider railroad legislation.

MCL 462.315

Analyst: J. Hunault

This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan House staff for use by House members in their deliberations, and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.