House Bill 6112
Sponsor: Rep. Rose Bogardus
Committee: Transportation
Complete to 11-14-00
House Bill 6112 would amend the Michigan Vehicle Code to require a person who operates a motor vehicle while accompanied by a parent, guardian, or other designated driver 21 years of age or older, under either level 1 or level 2 graduated licensing status, to prominently display a sign that says "Beginning Driver--Please be Patient" or similar wording. Under the bill the secretary of state would be required to design and then to provide at each branch office a suitable number of standardized signs at a cost of not more than $2 each, to be used for this purpose. Further, the bill specifies that the sign could be in the form of a decal that could be placed on the window of the vehicle.
The bill also would delete an outdated provision of the law that pertained to 15-year-old drivers who were enrolled in driver education courses but had not been licensed as of April 1, 1997.
MCL 257.310e
Analyst: J. Hunault