HOUSE BILL No. 4218 February 9, 1999, Introduced by Reps. Jacobs, Bisbee, Pestka, Jamnick, Switalski, Bovin, Schauer, Minore, Garza, Neumann, Gilbert, DeHart and Martinez and referred to the Committee on House Oversight and Operations. A bill to amend 1968 PA 357, entitled "An act to prescribe the powers, duties and functions of the state officers' compensation commission; and to prescribe the powers and duties of the legislature in relation to the commission," by amending sections 3, 6, and 7 (MCL 15.213, 15.216, and 15.217). THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 3. The commission shall meet for not more than 15 ses- 2 sion days beginning afterJuly 1 of every even numbered year3 JANUARY 1, 2000 AND EVERY 2 YEARS THEREAFTER and may reconsider 4 and make a further determination of the mileage allowance of the 5 members of the legislature who request of the commission a 6 redetermination. Four members of the commission constitute a 7 quorum for conducting the business of the commission. The 8 commission shall not take action or make determinations without a 00367'99 JLB 2 1 concurrence of a majority of the members appointed and serving on 2 the commission. The commission shall elect a chairperson from 3 among its members. The state personnel director shall act as the 4 secretary to the commission. The commission may establish 5 subcommittees. 6 Sec. 6.TheSUBJECT TO SECTION 7, THE commission shall 7 determine the salaries and expense allowance of the governor, 8 lieutenant governor,theATTORNEY GENERAL, SECRETARY OF STATE, 9 justices of the supreme court, andthemembers of the 10 legislature.andTHE COMMISSION SHALL file its determinations 11 with the clerk of the house of representatives, the secretary of 12 the senate, and the director of the department of management and 13 budgetafter December 1 andbeforeDecember 31, of each even14numbered yearFEBRUARY 15, 2000 AND EVERY 2 YEARS THEREAFTER and 15 shall furnish copies to the governor,thelieutenant governor, 16 ATTORNEY GENERAL, SECRETARY OF STATE, justices of the supreme 17 court, and members of the legislature. 18 Sec. 7. The determinations of the commission shall be 19 effectiveJanuary 1 of the year following their filing and shall20be the compensation and expense allowances of the governor, lieu-21tenant governor, justices of the supreme court and members of the22legislature unless the legislature, byONLY UPON THE ADOPTION OF 23 SEPARATE concurrentresolution adoptedRESOLUTIONS, 1 EACH FOR 24 THE EXECUTIVE, JUDICIAL, AND LEGISLATIVE BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT, 25 by a2/3MAJORITY vote of the members elected to and serving 26prior to February 1 of the year following the filing of the27determinations, rejects either the entire determinations or00367'99 3 1specific determinations for specific positions. In case of2rejection the existing salary and expense allowances shall pre-3vail retroactive to January 1IN EACH HOUSE. BEGINNING IN 2000 4 AND EVERY 4 YEARS AFTER 2000, THE SENATE SHALL ORIGINATE THE CON- 5 CURRENT RESOLUTIONS AND SHALL VOTE FIRST ON EACH SEPARATE 6 RESOLUTION. BEGINNING IN 2002 AND EVERY 4 YEARS AFTER 2002, THE 7 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SHALL ORIGINATE THE CONCURRENT RESOLU- 8 TIONS AND SHALL VOTE FIRST ON EACH SEPARATE RESOLUTION. THE CON- 9 CURRENT RESOLUTIONS DESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION SHALL BE VOTED UPON 10 BY THE FIRST HOUSE ON OR BEFORE MARCH 15. THOSE RESOLUTIONS THAT 11 RECEIVE AN AFFIRMATIVE VOTE IN THE FIRST HOUSE SHALL BE VOTED 12 UPON BY THE SECOND HOUSE ON OR BEFORE APRIL 15. IF A CONCURRENT 13 RESOLUTION IS ADOPTED, THEN THOSE DETERMINATIONS SHALL BECOME 14 EFFECTIVE FOR THE LEGISLATIVE SESSION IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE 15 NEXT GENERAL ELECTION. IF THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE COMMISSION 16 ARE NOT ADOPTED, THE EXISTING SALARY AND EXPENSE ALLOWANCES SHALL 17 REMAIN IN EFFECT. 18 Enacting section 1. This amendatory act takes effect 19 January 1, 2000. 20 Enacting section 2. This amendatory act does not take 21 effect unless Senate Joint Resolution ____ or House Joint 22 Resolution ____ (request no. 00368'99) of the 90th Legislature 23 becomes a part of the state constitution of 1963 as provided in 24 section 1 of article XII of the state constitution of 1963. 00367'99 Final page. JLB