HOUSE BILL No. 4858 September 28, 1999, Introduced by Reps. Basham, Bogardus, DeHart, Schermesser and Sanborn and referred to the Committee on Tax Policy. A bill to establish the Great Lakes endowment fund in the department of environmental quality; to provide for the distribu- tion of money from the fund; to prescribe the duties and powers of certain agencies and officials; and to provide for appropriations. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the 2 "Great Lakes endowment fund act". 3 Sec. 2. As used in this act: 4 (a) "Department" means the department of environmental 5 quality. 6 (b) "Fund" means the Great Lakes endowment fund created in 7 section 3. 8 (c) "Local governmental unit" means a city, village, 9 township, or county. 03513'99 a RJA 2 1 (d) "Nonprofit organization" means an organization exempt 2 from taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the internal revenue 3 code of 1986. 4 Sec. 3. (1) Effective January 1, 2000, the Great Lakes 5 endowment fund is created in the department to provide funds for 6 water quality monitoring and water pollution prevention 7 programs. 8 (2) The state treasurer shall direct the investment of the 9 fund. 10 (3) Money in the fund at the close of the year shall remain 11 in the fund and shall not lapse to the general fund. 12 (4) The fund shall consist of all money credited to the fund 13 pursuant to section 438 of the income tax act of 1967, 1967 PA 14 281, MCL 206.438, any interest and earnings accruing from the 15 saving and investment of that money, grants, and other appropria- 16 tions, money, or things of value. 17 Sec. 4. The principal, interest, and earnings of the fund 18 shall be expended solely for the purposes described in this act. 19 Sec. 5. The money in the fund shall be used to provide 20 grants for the following purposes: 21 (a) Projects approved by the department that monitor surface 22 water and groundwater quality to determine sources and levels of 23 water quality impairment, including, but not limited to, testing 24 public bathing beaches, investigating spills, and monitoring fish 25 contamination. 26 (b) To develop and maintain a statewide database of 27 information on water quality in this state coordinated by the 03513'99 a 3 1 department and available electronically and otherwise to the 2 public. The information available shall include, but not be 3 limited to, the safety of public bathing beaches, levels of sport 4 fish contamination, and other information of general public 5 interest. For the 2000, 2001, and 2002 state fiscal years, the 6 department may use up to 25% of the money available in the fund 7 for distribution during those state fiscal years to establish the 8 database described in this subdivision. 9 (c) To monitor and report the levels of residential, commer- 10 cial, agricultural, and other water consumption to assure compli- 11 ance with the Great Lakes charter of 1985 signed by the governors 12 and premiers of each of the Great Lakes states and provinces on 13 February 11, 1985, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and to support this 14 state's participation in the interstate notification and consul- 15 tation process provided by that charter. 16 (d) Projects approved by the department to prevent pollution 17 of surface water and groundwater including, but not limited to, 18 providing public education, technical assistance to businesses, 19 and assisting the development of partnerships between individual 20 businesses and communities to identify and reduce sources of pol- 21 lution that may affect water quality. 22 Sec. 6. (1) The department shall solicit and approve pro- 23 posals for grants for funding under this act. 24 (2) Except as provided in section 5, each state fiscal year, 25 not less than 90% of the money available for distribution each 26 year shall be distributed as grants to local governmental units 27 and nonprofit organizations. Each state fiscal year, the 03513'99 a 4 1 department may retain not more than 10% of the funds available 2 for distribution for administrative and other departmental costs 3 related to the fund and grants made pursuant to this act. 4 Sec. 7. The money in the fund that is available for distri- 5 bution shall be appropriated each year. 6 Enacting section 1. This act does not take effect unless 7 Senate Bill No. _____ or House Bill No. 4857 (request 8 no. 03513'99) of the 90th Legislature is enacted into law. 03513'99 a Final page. RJA