HOUSE BILL No. 5158 December 2, 1999, Introduced by Reps. Van Woerkom, Hart, Gilbert, Richardville, Kuipers, DeWeese, Pappageorge, Voorhees, Garcia, Kukuk, Richner, Hager, Ehardt, Shackleton, O'Neil, Pestka and Jansen and referred to the Committee on Family and Children Services. A bill to create the office of faith community liaison in the executive branch; and to prescribe its powers and duties. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 1. (1) The office of faith community liaison is cre- 2 ated within the office of the governor. 3 (2) The office of faith community liaison shall do all of 4 the following: 5 (a) Serve as policy advisor to the governor and the execu- 6 tive branch on issues and policies affecting Michigan faith com- 7 munities regarding social services and initiatives serving the 8 needy. 9 (b) Participate in hearings and meetings concerning how 10 state agencies relate to Michigan faith communities. 04575'99 JLB 2 1 (c) Gather data and information and act as a clearinghouse 2 on issues concerning Michigan faith communities regarding social 3 services and initiatives serving the needy. 4 (d) Develop working relationships and strategic partnerships 5 with Michigan faith communities that provide social services and 6 initiatives that serve the needy. 7 (e) Work with Michigan faith communities to end the depen- 8 dence of needy parents on government benefits by promoting job 9 preparation, employment, marriage, and substance abuse 10 rehabilitation. 11 Sec. 3. (1) The faith community liaison is the executive 12 director of the office of faith community liaison. 13 (2) The faith community liaison shall be appointed by the 14 governor and shall serve at the pleasure of the governor. The 15 governor shall appoint an individual who meets all of the follow- 16 ing criteria: 17 (a) Knowledgeable of national and state faith based 18 organization-government collaboratives. 19 (b) Knowledgeable about public and private funding sources 20 for programs and services for the poor. 21 (c) A person identified with a faith community who demon- 22 strates respect for and willingness to work with all faith organ- 23 izations and resources in Michigan. 04575'99 Final page. JLB