HOUSE BILL No. 5904 June 20, 2000, Introduced by Reps. Dennis, Callahan, Switalski, Mans, Woodward, Baird, O'Neil, Wojno, Minore, Bovin, Gieleghem, Clark, Hardman, Rivet, Pestka, Frank, Bogardus, Jamnick, Hale, Neumann, Basham, Clarke, Hansen, Thomas, Schauer, Vaughn, Price, Brater, Martinez, Prusi, Schermesser, DeHart, Brewer, Kelly, Lockwood and LaForge and referred to the Committee on Conservation and Outdoor Recreation. A bill to amend 1994 PA 451, entitled "Natural resources and environmental protection act," by amending sections 35301, 63701, 63702, 63704, 63708, 63709, and 63711 (MCL 324.35301, 324.63701, 324.63702, 324.63704, 324.63708, 324.63709, and 324.63711), section 35301 as amended by 1995 PA 262 and sections 63701, 63702, 63704, 63708, 63709, and 63711 as added by 1995 PA 57. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 35301. As used in this part: 2 (a) "Contour change" includes any grading, filling, digging, 3 or excavating that significantly alters the physical characteris- 4 tic of a critical dune area, except that which is involved in 5 sand dune mining as defined in part 637. 6 (b) "Crest" means the line at which the first lakeward 7 facing slope of a critical dune ridge breaks to a slope of less 03829'99 JCB 2 1 than 1-foot vertical rise in a 5-1/2-foot horizontal plane for a 2 distance of at least 20 feet, if the areal extent where this 3 break occurs is greater than 1/10 acre in size. 4 (c) "Critical dune area" means a geographic area designated 5 in the "atlas of critical dune areas" dated February 1989,that6 WHICH was prepared by the department, AS MODIFIED BY THE DOCUMENT 7 ENTITLED "EVALUATION OF CRITICAL DUNE AREAS DESIGNATED UNDER 8 PART 353 (SAND DUNE PROTECTION AND MANAGEMENT) OF THE NATURAL 9 RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ACT 1994 PA 451: FINAL 10 REPORT." CENTER FOR REMOTE SENSING, MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY. 11 EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN. JUNE 1996. 12 (d) "Department" means the department of environmental 13 quality. 14 (e) "Foredune" means 1 or more low linear dune ridges that 15 are parallel and adjacent to the shoreline of a Great Lake and 16 are rarely greater than 20 feet in height. The lakeward face of 17 a foredune is often gently sloping and may be vegetated with dune 18 grasses and low shrub vegetation or may have an exposed sand 19 face. 20 (f) "Model zoning plan" means the model zoning plan provided 21 for in sections 35312 to 35324. 22 (g) "Planning commission" means the body or entity within a 23 local government that is responsible for zoning and land use 24 planning for the local unit of government. 25 (h) "Restabilization" means restoration of the natural con- 26 tours of a critical dune to the extent practicable, and the 27 restoration of the protective vegetative cover of a critical dune 03829'99 3 1 through the establishment of indigenous vegetation, and the 2 placement of snow fencing or other temporary sand trapping mea- 3 sures for the purpose of preventing erosion, drifting, and slump- 4 ing of sand. 5 (i) "Special use project" means any of the following: 6 (i) A proposed use in a critical dune area for an industrial 7 or commercial purpose regardless of the size of the site. 8 (ii) A multifamily use of more than 3 acres. 9 (iii) A multifamily use of 3 acres or less if the density of 10 use is greater than 4 individual residences per acre. 11 (iv) A proposed use in a critical dune area, regardless of 12 size of the use, that the planning commission, or the department 13 if a local unit of government does not have an approved zoning 14 ordinance, determines would damage or destroy features of archae- 15 ological or historical significance. 16 (j) "Use" means a developmental, silvicultural, or recrea- 17 tional activity done or caused to be done by a person that sig- 18 nificantly alters the physical characteristic of a critical dune 19 area or a contour change done or caused to be done by a person. 20 Use does not include sand dune mining as defined in part 637. 21 (k) "Zoning ordinance" means an ordinance of a local unit of 22 government that regulates the development of critical dune areas 23 within the local unit of government pursuant to the requirements 24 of this part. 25 Sec. 63701. As used in this part: 26 (a) "Active cell-unit" means a cell-unit set forth in the 27 approved progressive cell-unit mining and reclamation plan 03829'99 4 1 provided for in section 63706(1), in which vegetation and topsoil 2 have been removed in preparation for sand dune mining or sand 3 removal has been initiated after the date of issuance of the sand 4 dune mining permit. Vegetation removal does not preclude the 5 removal of marketable forest products from a cell-unit, if the 6 removal maintains the ground cover and topsoil within the 7 cell-unit in stable condition. 8 (b) "Administratively complete" means an application for a 9 sand dune mining permit that is determined by the department to 10 satisfy all of the conditions of this part and rules promulgated 11 under this part. 12 (c) "Barrier dune" means the first landward sand dune forma- 13 tion along the shoreline of a Great Lake or a sand dune formation 14 designated by the department. 15 (d) "Beneficiation" means to process sand for any of the 16 following purposes, but does not include the drying process: 17 (i) Regulating the grain size of the desired product. 18 (ii) Removing unwanted constituents. 19 (iii) Improving the quality and purity of the desired 20 product. 21 (e) "Cell-unit" means a subunit of the total sand dune 22 mining project as determined in size and location by the 23 operator. A cell-unit shall not exceed 10 acres in size for sand 24 dune mining operations that commence operation after March 31, 25 1977 or for the expansion of sand dune mining operations that 26 existed before March 31, 1977. A cell-unit shall not exceed 30 27 acres in size for operations that existed before March 31, 1977. 03829'99 5 1 (f) "Conformance bond" means a surety bond that is executed 2 by a surety company authorized to do business in this state, 3 cash, certificates of deposit, letters of credit, or other secur- 4 ities that are filed by an operator to ensure compliance with 5 this part, rules promulgated under this part, or conditions of a 6 sand dune mining permit. 7 (g) "Environmental elements" means the biological, physical, 8 and chemical characteristics of the environment, including but 9 not limited to the following: 10 (i) Watersheds. 11 (ii) Water bodies. 12 (iii) Forests. 13 (iv) Existing areas maintained for public recreation. 14 (v) Shorelands. 15 (vi) Habitat areas. 16 (h) "Great Lakes" means any of the Great Lakes that have a 17 shoreline within this state. 18 (i) "Interim cell-unit status" means a cell-unit as set 19 forth in an approved progressive cell-unit mining and reclamation 20 plan provided for in section 63706(1), in which all sand dune 21 mining and reclamation within the cell-unit has been completed, 22 but the vegetation has not sustained itself through 1 full grow- 23 ing season. A cell-unit placed in interim cell-unit status is 24 required to retain the conformance bond provided in section 63712 25 until reclassification by the department as provided in section 26 63712(5). Each sand dune mining activity shall be limited to no 03829'99 6 1 more than 3 cell-units in interim cell-unit status at any 1 2 time. 3 (j) "Operator" means an owner or lessee of mineral rights or 4 any other person engaged in or preparing to engage in sand dune 5 mining activities with respect to mineral rights within a sand 6 dune area. 7 (k) "Sand dune area" means that area designated by the 8 department that includes those geomorphic features composed pri- 9 marily of sand, whether windblown or of other origin and that 10 lies within 2 miles of the ordinary high-water mark on a Great 11 Lake as defined in section 32502, and includes critical dune 12 areas as defined in part 353. 13 (l) "Sand dune mining" means the removal of sand from sand 14 dune areas for commercial or industrial purposes, or both.The15removal of sand from sand dune areas in volumes of less than163,000 tons is not sand dune mining if the removal is a 1-time17occurrence and the reason the sand is removed is not for the18direct use for an industrial or commercial purpose.However, the 19 removal of any volume of sand that is not sand dune mining within 20 a critical dune area as defined in part 353 is subject to the 21 critical dune protection provisions of part 353. The department 22 may authorize in writing the removal ofmore than 3,000 tons of23 sand without a sand dune mining permit issued pursuant to section 24 63704 for a purpose related to protecting an occupied dwelling or 25 other structure from property damage related to the migration of 26 sand or the instability of sand. This removal may be for more 03829'99 7 1 than 1 occurrence, but a written authorization from the 2 department is required for each removal. 3 (m) "Water table" means the surface in an unconfined aquifer 4 at which the pressure is atmospheric. The water table is found 5 at the level at which water stands in wells that penetrate the 6 aquifer. 7 Sec. 63702.(1)Notwithstanding any other provision of 8 this part, the department shall not issue a sand dune mining 9 permit within a critical dune area as defined in part 353.after10July 5, 1989, except under either of the following11circumstances:12(a) The operator seeks to renew or amend a sand dune mining13permit that was issued prior to July 5, 1989, subject to the cri-14teria and standards applicable to a renewal or amendatory15application.16(b) The operator holds a sand dune mining permit issued pur-17suant to section 63704 and is seeking to amend the mining permit18to include land that is adjacent to property the operator is per-19mitted to mine, and prior to July 5, 1989 the operator owned the20land or owned rights to mine dune sand in the land for which the21operator seeks an amended permit.22(2) As used in this section, "adjacent" means land that is23contiguous with the land for which the operator holds a sand dune24mining permit issued pursuant to section 63704, provided no land25or space, including a highway or road right-of-way, exists26between the property on which sand dune mining is authorized and27the adjacent land.03829'99 8 1 Sec. 63704. (1)After July 1, 1977UNTIL DECEMBER 31, 2 2005, a personor operatorshall not engage in sand dune mining 3 within Great Lakes sand dune areas without first obtaining a 4 permit for that purpose from the department. ON AND AFTER 5 JANUARY 1, 2006, A PERSON SHALL NOT ENGAGE IN SAND DUNE MINING 6 WITHIN GREAT LAKES SAND DUNE AREAS. 7 (2) Prior to receiving a permit from the department, a 8 personor operatorshall submit all of the following: 9 (a) A permit application on a form provided by the 10 department. 11 (b) An environmental impact statement of the proposed mining 12 activity as prescribed by section 63705. 13 (c) A progressive cell-unit mining and reclamation plan for 14 the proposed mining activity as prescribed by section 63706. 15 (d) A 15-year mining plan as prescribed by section 63707. 16 Sec. 63708. (1)AEXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN SUBSECTION (6), A 17 sand dune mining permit issued by the department is valid for not 18 more than 5 years. A sand dune mining permit shall be renewed if 19 the sand dune mining activities have been carried out in compli- 20 ance with this part, the rules promulgated under this part, and 21 the conditions of the sand dune mining permit issued by the 22 department. 23 (2) The sand dune mining permit shall state any conditions, 24 limitations, or other restrictions determined by the department, 25 including any setback from the ordinary high-water mark of a 26 Great Lake for the protection of the barrier dune. 03829'99 9 1 (3) In granting a sand dune mining permit, if the department 2 allows for the removal of all or a portion of the barrier dune 3 pursuant to this part, it shall submit to the commission written 4 reasons for permitting the removal. 5 (4) The department shall approve or deny a sand dune mining 6 permit application in writing within 120 days after the applica- 7 tion is received and is determined by the department to be admin- 8 istratively complete. If a sand dune mining permit is denied, 9 the reasons shall be stated in a written report. 10 (5) The department shall provide a list of all pending sand 11 dune mining applications upon a request from a person. The list 12 shall give the name and address of each applicant, the legal 13 description of the lands included in the project, and a summary 14 statement of the purpose of the application. 15 (6) NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER PROVISION OF THIS PART, A SAND 16 DUNE MINING PERMIT EXPIRES IF SAND DUNE MINING HAS NOT OCCURRED 17 DURING A 1-YEAR PERIOD. UPON EXPIRATION OF A SAND DUNE MINING 18 PERMIT UNDER THIS SUBSECTION, THE LANDOWNER OR OPERATOR SHALL 19 BEGIN RECLAMATION ACTIVITIES AS PROVIDED IN THIS PART. 20 Sec. 63709. The department shall deny a sand dune mining 21 permit if, upon review of the environmental impact statement, it 22 determinesthatANY OF THE FOLLOWING: 23 (A) THAT the proposed sand dune mining activity is likely to 24 pollute, impair, or destroy the air, water, or other natural 25 resources or the public trust in those resources, as provided by 26 part 17. 03829'99 10 1 (B) THAT THE PROPOSED SAND DUNE MINING ACTIVITY IS NOT 2 COMPATIBLE WITH ADJACENT EXISTING LAND USES. 3 (C) THAT THE PROPOSED SAND DUNE MINING ACTIVITY WILL 4 ADVERSELY AFFECT ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: 5 (i) FLORA, FAUNA, OR WILDLIFE HABITATS. 6 (ii) GROUNDWATER SUPPLY, LEVEL, QUALITY, AND FLOW WITHIN 7 1,000 FEET OF THE PROPOSED SAND DUNE MINING ACTIVITY. 8 (iii) ADJACENT SURFACE RESOURCES. 9 (iv) AIR QUALITY WITHIN 1,000 FEET OF THE PROPOSED SAND DUNE 10 MINING ACTIVITY. 11 (D) THAT THE PROPOSED SAND DUNE MINING ACTIVITY WILL BE 12 LOCATED WITHIN ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: 13 (i) ONE THOUSAND FEET OF A RESIDENCE. 14 (ii) TWO THOUSAND FEET OF A SCHOOL. 15 (iii) FIVE HUNDRED FEET OF A COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT. 16 Sec. 63711. (1)For purposes of surveillance, monitoring,17administration, and enforcement of this part, an operator is18assessed a fee of not more than 10 centsTHE DEPARTMENT SHALL 19 ASSESS EACH OPERATOR AN ADMINISTRATIVE FEE OF $5.00 per ton of 20 sand mined from a sand dune area for the calendar year reported 21 as described in subsection (2).Funds collected by the assess-22ment of the fee shall not exceed the actual costs to the depart-23ment of implementing the sections of this part that pertain to24sand dune mining. Any fees collected under this subsection that25are unexpended at the end of a fiscal year shall be credited to a26separate fund of the department, carried over to the succeeding27fiscal year, and deducted from the amount appropriated for that03829'99 11 1year for surveillance, monitoring, administration, and2enforcement of this part for purposes of computing the fee to be3assessed for that year.ADMINISTRATIVE FEES COLLECTED UNDER THIS 4 SECTION SHALL BE FORWARDED TO THE STATE TREASURER FOR DEPOSIT 5 INTO THE SAND DUNE PROTECTION FUND CREATED IN SUBSECTION (8). 6 (2) An operator shall file an annual report on or before 7 January 31 of each year. The report shall show the areas mined 8 and describe the progress of restoration and reclamation activi- 9 ties of the operator for the preceding calendar year. The report 10 shall contain both of the following: 11 (a) The number of tons of sand mined from a sand dune area. 12 (b)LocationTHE LOCATION of the sand dune area. 13 (3) The ADMINISTRATIVE feedescribed inASSESSED UNDER 14 subsection (1)shall beIS due not more than 30 days after the 15 department sends written notice to the operator of the amount 16 due. 17 (4) ThesurveillanceADMINISTRATIVE fee and annual report 18 required by this section is confidential and shall not be avail- 19 able for public inspection without the written consent of the 20 person filing the fee and report, except in accordance with judi- 21 cial order. 22 (5) Failure to submit an annual report in compliance with 23 THIS SECTION AND ANY rules promulgated by the department consti- 24 tutes grounds for revocation of a permit. 25 (6) A penalty equal to 10% of the amount due, or $1,000.00, 26 whichever is greater, shall be assessed against the operator for 27aAN ADMINISTRATIVE fee that is not paid when due. An unpaid 03829'99 12 1 ADMINISTRATIVE fee and penaltyshallconstitute a debt and 2 become the basis of a judgment against the operator. Penalties 3paid pursuant toRECOVERED UNDER this section shall beused4for the implementation, administration, and enforcement of this5partFORWARDED TO THE STATE TREASURER FOR DEPOSIT INTO THE SAND 6 DUNE PROTECTION FUND CREATED IN SUBSECTION (8). 7 (7) Records upon which the annual report is based shall be 8 preserved for 3 years and are subject to audit by the 9 department. 10 (8) THE SAND DUNE PROTECTION FUND IS CREATED WITHIN THE 11 STATE TREASURY. THE STATE TREASURER MAY RECEIVE MONEY OR OTHER 12 ASSETS FROM ANY SOURCE FOR DEPOSIT INTO THE SAND DUNE PROTECTION 13 FUND. THE STATE TREASURER SHALL DIRECT THE INVESTMENT OF THE 14 SAND DUNE PROTECTION FUND. THE STATE TREASURER SHALL CREDIT TO 15 THE SAND DUNE PROTECTION FUND INTEREST AND EARNINGS FROM SAND 16 DUNE PROTECTION FUND INVESTMENTS. MONEY IN THE SAND DUNE PROTEC- 17 TION FUND AT THE CLOSE OF THE FISCAL YEAR SHALL REMAIN IN THE 18 SAND DUNE PROTECTION FUND AND SHALL NOT LAPSE TO THE GENERAL 19 FUND. THE DEPARTMENT SHALL EXPEND MONEY FROM THE SAND DUNE PRO- 20 TECTION FUND, UPON APPROPRIATION, ONLY FOR 1 OR MORE OF THE FOL- 21 LOWING PURPOSES: 22 (A) NOT LESS THAN 20% FOR MORE SURVEILLANCE, MONITORING, 23 ADMINISTRATION, AND ENFORCEMENT OF THIS PART. 24 (B) NOT LESS THAN 80% FOR ACQUISITION OF LAND CONTAINING 25 CRITICAL DUNE AREAS. LAND ACQUIRED UNDER THIS SUBDIVISION SHALL 26 BE HELD IN PUBLIC OWNERSHIP FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE CRITICAL 27 DUNE AREAS. 03829'99 13 1 (9)(8)The department shall annually prepare and submit 2 to the house of representatives and senate standing committees 3 with jurisdiction over subject areas related to natural resources 4 and the environment a report on the sand mining surveillance 5 activities undertaken by the department for the immediately pre- 6 ceding year and the cost of those activities. 03829'99 Final page. JCB