HOUSE BILL No. 5908 June 20, 2000, Introduced by Reps. Bisbee, Wojno, Sanborn, Shackleton, Hager, Mortimer, Van Woerkom, Bishop, DeVuyst, Rick Johnson, Daniels, Hale, Thomas, Bob Brown, Patterson, Julian, Ehardt, Law, Clark, Richner, O'Neil, Jansen and Basham and referred to the Committee on Insurance and Financial Services. A bill to amend 1996 PA 354, entitled "Savings bank act," by amending sections 209, 210, 213, and 214 (MCL 487.3209, 487.3210, 487.3213, and 487.3214). THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 209. (1) A savings bank together with its subsidi- 2 aries, service entities, and entities the controlling interests 3 of which are more than 50% owned by subsidiaries or service enti- 4 ties or association service corporations, are subject to examina- 5 tion of the commissioner, with or without prior notice,1 or6more times in each calendar yearNOT LESS FREQUENTLY THAN ONCE 7 EVERY 18 MONTHS concerning the conditions and affairs of the sav- 8 ings bank. The commissioner shall also examine a savings bank 9 under the commissioner's jurisdiction when requested by its board 10 of directors. In connection with an examination, the 06709'00 MRM 2 1 commissioner, or the commissioner's authorized agent, may examine 2 on oath a director, officer, agent, employee, or shareholder of a 3 savings bank concerning the affairs and business of the savings 4 bank. The commissioner shall ascertain whether the savings bank 5 transacts its business in the manner prescribed by law and the 6 rules promulgated pursuant to law. The commissioner, or the 7 commissioner's authorized agent, may make an examination of an 8 affiliate, subsidiary, or service entity necessary to disclose 9 fully the relationship between a savings bank and the affiliate, 10 subsidiary, or service entity and the effect of the relationship 11 upon the savings bank. 12 (2) The commissioner may examine the branch or branches 13 located in this state of an out-of-state bank under the federal 14 deposit insurance act, chapter 967, 64 Stat. 873. 15 (3) In fulfilling the requirements of subsections (1) and 16 (2), the commissioner may use an examination made under the fed- 17 eral deposit insurance act, or the law of another state governing 18 the activities of out-of-state banks in that state. The commis- 19 sioner may require the savings bank to furnish a copy of any 20 report required by a federal or state bank regulatory agency. 21 (4) An examination required by this section shall include 22 the fiduciary activities of the savings bank. 23 (5) The commissioner may contract with other savings bank 24 regulatory agencies to assist in the conduct of examinations of 25 savings banks with 1 or more branches located in other states and 26 in examination of out-of-state banks with 1 or more branches 27 located in this state. 06709'00 3 1 Sec. 210.(1) The commissioner shall periodically2establish a schedule of annual supervisory fees to be paid by3savings banks. Annual supervisory fees shall be based on the4estimated cost of supervision of savings banks.5(2) Each savings bank shall pay an annual supervisory fee6each calendar year. The fee shall be not less than 4 cents or7more than 25 cents for each $1,000.00 of total assets of the sav-8ings bank as reported by the savings bank on its report of condi-9tion as of December 31 of the previous year. The annual supervi-10sory fee for a savings bank shall not be less than $1,000.00.11 (1) THE COMMISSIONER SHALL PERIODICALLY ESTABLISH A SCHEDULE 12 OF SUPERVISORY FEES TO BE PAID BY SAVINGS BANKS. EXCEPT FOR A 13 MINIMUM FEE CONSISTENT WITH SUBSECTION (2), THE FEE SHALL NOT BE 14 MORE THAN 25 CENTS FOR EACH $1,000.00 OF TOTAL ASSETS OF THE SAV- 15 INGS BANK AS REPORTED BY THE SAVINGS BANK ON ITS REPORT OF CONDI- 16 TION AS OF DECEMBER 31 OF THE PREVIOUS YEAR. 17 (2) EACH SAVINGS BANK SHALL PAY AN ANNUAL SUPERVISORY FEE 18 WHICH SHALL BE NOT LESS THAN $1,000.00. 19 (3) The commissioner shall provide an invoice of the annual 20 supervisory fee to each savings bank by July 1 of each year. The 21 annual supervisory fee shall be paid by August 15 of that year. 22(4) If a savings bank does not receive a supervisory exami-23nation during a calendar year for which a supervisory fee has24been paid, it shall receive a credit of not less than 30% or more25than 70% of the fee against its next annual supervisory fee. The26supervisory fee credit shall be determined annually by the27commissioner and shall be the same for all savings banks.06709'00 4 1 (4)(5)The initial supervisory fee for a savings bank 2 that obtained a charter as a result of a conversion shall be 3 based on the total assets as reported in its report of condition 4 as of December 31 of the previous year under the prior charter. 5 (5)(6)The initial supervisory fee of a savings bank 6 newly organized and chartered under this act, during the initial 7 supervisory year, shall be the minimum supervisory fee estab- 8 lished by the commissioner. 9 (6)(7)The commissioner shall periodically establish a 10 schedule of fees, beyond those charged for normal supervision, to 11 be paid for applications, special evaluations and analyses, and 12 examinations, including examinations of trust services and safe 13 deposit and collateral deposit companies. 14 (7)(8)The fees established under subsection(7)(6) 15 shall be equal to the estimated cost to the bureau for conducting 16 the activity for which the fee is imposed. 17 (8)(9)The commissioner may charge reasonable fees for 18 furnishing and certifying copies of documents or serving notices 19 required by this act. 20 (9)(10)To the extent any fees assessed under this act 21 are unpaid when due, the commissioner may, upon proper notice, 22 maintain an action against the savings bank for the recovery of 23 the fees plus interest and costs. 24 (10)(11)The fees collected under this section are not 25 refundable and shall be paid into the state treasury to the 26 credit of the bureau and used only for the operation of the 27 bureau. 06709'00 5 1 Sec. 213. (1) The commissioner and all deputies, agents, 2 and employees of the bureau shallbe bound by oath tokeep 3 secret all facts and information obtained in the course of their 4 duties, except if the person is required under law to report 5 upon, take official action, or testify in any proceedings regard- 6 ing the affairs of a savings bank. THIS SUBSECTION APPLIES TO 7 ALL FORMER COMMISSIONERS, DEPUTIES, AGENTS, AND EMPLOYEES OF THE 8 BUREAU. 9 (2)Notwithstanding subsection (1), the commissioner may10make disclosure to persons at such times as is in the public11interest within the purposes of this act.THIS SECTION DOES NOT 12 APPLY TO, AND DOES NOT PROHIBIT THE FURNISHING OF INFORMATION OR 13 DOCUMENTS TO, DEPOSITORY INSTITUTION REGULATORY AGENCIES, AND IS 14 NOT APPLICABLE TO DISCLOSURES MADE IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST BY THE 15 COMMISSIONER, AT HIS OR HER DISCRETION. 16(3) The provisions of this section are not applicable to,17and do not prohibit the furnishing of information or documents18to, the federal, or out-of-state bank, or association regulatory19agencies.20 Sec. 214.(1) Except with respect to rules promulgated21under section 208, a cease and desist order made under sections22215 to 225, and an order made on an application seeking approval23of the commissioner under section 302, 303, 312, 336, 412, 701,24709, or 715 or an objection issued by the commissioner under sec-25tion 417, a savings bank or an interested party who is dissatis-26fied with an order, ruling, objection, or finding issued by the27commissioner may request a reconsideration of the order, ruling,06709'00 6 1objection, or finding within 10 days after the issuance of the2order, ruling, objection, or finding. Within 30 days after the3receipt of a written request for reconsideration, the commis-4sioner shall set the matter for a formal hearing unless a formal5hearing has been held before the issuance of the order, ruling,6objection, or finding. The commissioner may conduct a formal7hearing before the issuance of an order, ruling, objection, or8finding.9(2) A hearing held under subsection (1) shall be conducted10under the administrative procedures act of 1969, Act No. 306 of11the Public Acts of 1969, being sections 24.201 to 24.328 of the12Michigan Compiled Laws.13(3) The commissioner shall require an entity making an14application under section 302, 303, 312, 336, 412, 701, 709, or15715 to give notice of the application by publication. The appli-16cant, within 10 days after the acceptance of an application,17shall publish notice in the community or communities in which the18savings bank, or bank holding company, involved in the subject19application is located. Publication shall be 1 time per week for202 consecutive weeks in the form prescribed by the commissioner.21The interval between publications shall not be less than 5 days.22Proof of publication shall be filed with the commissioner within2310 days after the date of the second publication of notice.24(4) An interested party who desires to protest the applica-25tion shall file a written notice of protest with the commissioner26and with the applicant within 10 days after the date of the27second publication of notice. Within 30 days after the date of06709'00 7 1the second publication of notice, an interested party who has2filed a written notice of protest shall file with the commis-3sioner and with the applicant a written statement setting forth4all of the following:5(a) A list of specific items in the application that are the6basis for the protest and an explanation of the reasons for the7protest.8(b) A statement of the facts supporting the reasons for the9protest including economic and financial data.10(c) A request for oral argument if desired.11(5) Within 40 days after the date of the second publication12of notice, the applicant may file with the commissioner and with13the parties that have filed written notice of protest written14material in response to the written statement and may request15oral argument before the commissioner if oral argument has not16been requested by an interested party who has filed a written17notice of protest.18(6) Oral argument may be held at the commissioner's discre-19tion if neither the applicant nor an interested party requests20oral argument.21(7) An oral argument, if scheduled as provided in this sec-22tion, shall be held within 55 days after the date of the second23publication of notice.24(8) Only the applicant and those interested parties who have25filed written statements under subsection (4) may participate in26the oral argument. Oral argument may be made by each party or by27an authorized representative. Oral argument shall be limited to06709'00 8 1issues raised in the materials submitted in connection with the2application and the protest. One hour shall be permitted to each3participant other than the applicant for oral argument. The4applicant shall have as much time as all other participants have5been permitted. The commissioner shall have a stenographic6record made of the oral argument, with costs to be allocated7equally among the parties requesting oral argument unless other-8wise provided by order of the commissioner.9(9) The commissioner shall issue an order within 100 days10after the filing of the application. If an application is11denied, or if a protested application is approved, the commis-12sioner shall provide a detailed written explanation of the basis13of the commissioner's decision. Appeal of an order shall not be14made by a party without first requesting a reconsideration of the15order under subsection (10).16(10) The applicant or an interested party who filed written17statements under subsection (4) and who participated in the oral18argument, if held, who is dissatisfied with an order of the com-19missioner or an institution which is dissatisfied with an objec-20tion issued by the commissioner under section 417, may within 521days after the issuance of the order or objection, file with the22commissioner a written request for reconsideration of the order23stating the reasons for the request. The commissioner, within 1024days of receiving the request for consideration, shall render a25decision on the request for reconsideration. If a petition for26reconsideration is granted, the commissioner shall grant the27applicant and all interested parties 10 days to file written06709'00 9 1arguments or briefs. The commissioner may conduct an oral2argument after granting a petition for reconsideration. The3argument shall be held within 10 days after granting the4petition. The commissioner shall issue a final order or objec-5tion or withdraw an objection within 20 days after granting the6petition for reconsideration.7(11) The commissioner may promulgate rules under Act No. 3068of the Public Acts of 1969. The rules shall be consistent with9this section.10 (1) A SAVINGS BANK THAT SEEKS THE COMMISSIONER'S APPROVAL 11 UNDER SECTION 302, 303, 312, 336, 412, 701, 709, OR 715 SHALL 12 SUBMIT AN APPLICATION TO THE BUREAU. 13 (2) THE APPLICATION SHALL CONTAIN INFORMATION AND BE ACCOM- 14 PANIED BY DOCUMENTS AS REQUIRED BY THE BUREAU. 15 (3) IF AN APPLICATION IS CONSIDERED INCOMPLETE BY THE 16 BUREAU, IT WILL EITHER BE RETURNED FOR COMPLETION OR THE APPLI- 17 CANT WILL BE REQUESTED TO SUBMIT ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AS NECES- 18 SARY TO MAKE THE APPLICATION COMPLETE. 19 (4) WHEN THE APPLICATION IS CONSIDERED COMPLETE BY THE 20 BUREAU, IT SHALL BE ACCEPTED AND THE PROCESS OF REVIEWING ITS 21 CONTENTS FOR A DECISION WILL BEGIN ON THAT DATE. 22 (5) THE STATUTORY PERIOD, AS SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION, 23 REGARDING THE ISSUANCE OF ORDERS BY THE COMMISSIONER SHALL COM- 24 MENCE ON THE DATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF THE APPLICATION. 25 (6) IF, SUBSEQUENT TO THE DATE OF ACCEPTANCE, THE APPLICANT 26 WISHES TO AMEND THE APPLICATION OR SUPPLEMENT OR PROVIDE 27 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL IN CONNECTION WITH THE APPLICATION, THE 06709'00 10 1 COMMISSIONER MAY SUSPEND PROCESSING OF THE APPLICATION OR PROCEED 2 WITH THE STATUTORY PERIOD FOR THE ISSUANCE OF AN ORDER. 3 (7) IN CONNECTION WITH AN APPLICATION, THE COMMISSIONER MAY 4 CONSIDER ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FROM ANY SOURCE. 5 (8) THE COMMISSIONER SHALL APPROVE OR DISAPPROVE AN APPLICA- 6 TION IN WRITING WITHIN 100 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF 7 AN APPLICATION, OR THE LAST AMENDMENT TO THE APPLICATION. AN 8 ORDER DISAPPROVING AN APPLICATION SHALL STATE THE BASIS FOR 9 DISAPPROVAL. 10 (9) AN APPLICANT WHO IS DISSATISFIED WITH AN ORDER OF THE 11 COMMISSIONER, OR AN INSTITUTION THAT IS DISSATISFIED WITH AN 12 OBJECTION ISSUED UNDER SECTION 417, MAY SUBMIT A WRITTEN REQUEST 13 FOR A RECONSIDERATION OF THE ORDER OR OBJECTION STATING THE REA- 14 SONS FOR THE REQUEST. THE REQUEST MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE BUREAU 15 WITHIN 5 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF THE ORDER OR OBJECTION. THE COM- 16 MISSIONER, WITHIN 10 DAYS OF RECEIVING THE REQUEST FOR RECONSID- 17 ERATION, SHALL RENDER A DECISION ON THE REQUEST FOR 18 RECONSIDERATION. IF A PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION IS GRANTED, 19 THE COMMISSIONER SHALL GRANT THE APPLICANT 10 DAYS TO FILE WRIT- 20 TEN ARGUMENTS OR BRIEFS. THE COMMISSIONER MAY ALLOW FOR ORAL 21 ARGUMENT AFTER GRANTING A PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION. THE ORAL 22 ARGUMENT SHALL BE HELD WITHIN 10 DAYS AFTER GRANTING THE 23 PETITION. THE COMMISSIONER SHALL ISSUE A FINAL ORDER, OBJECTION, 24 OR WITHDRAWAL OF AN OBJECTION WITHIN 20 DAYS AFTER GRANTING THE 25 PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION. 06709'00 11 1 (10) APPEAL OF AN ORDER OR OBJECTION SHALL NOT BE MADE BY AN 2 APPLICANT WITHOUT FIRST REQUESTING A RECONSIDERATION OF THE ORDER 3 OR OBJECTION. 4 Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take 5 effect unless all of the following bills of the 90th Legislature 6 are enacted into law: 7 (a) Senate Bill No. _____ or House Bill No. 5909 (request 8 no. 03942'99 *). 9 (b) Senate Bill No. _____ or House Bill No. 5907 (request 10 no. 06708'00). 06709'00 Final page. MRM