Senate Bill 195 (Substitute S-2 as reported)
Sponsor: Senator Mike Goschka
Committee: Economic Development, International Trade and Regulatory Affairs
The bill would amend the Fire Prevention Code to establish reporting requirements concerning fires that resulted in injury or death.
The bill would require the State Fire Marshal to investigate and report on the investigation when a demonstration fire resulted in injury to or the death of an individual who was not a firefighter. "Demonstration fire" would mean a fire intentionally set by a fire department for training or other legitimate purposes.
The chief of a fire department would have to report immediately to the State Fire Marshal any injury to or death of a person who was not a firefighter resulting from a demonstration fire.
If a firefighter died or suffered a reportable injury as defined in the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Act, resulting from a demonstration fire, the Department of Consumer and Industry Services would have to give the State Fire Marshal a copy of any report of the death or injury.
MCL 29.6 - Legislative Analyst: P. Affholter
The bill would have an insignificant fiscal impact on State or local government. Investigations and reports required under the bill could be assumed by existing resources of governmental units mentioned in the bill.
Date Completed: 3-21-01 - Fiscal Analyst: B. BakerFloor\sb195 - Bill Analysis @
This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.