sans-serif">Senate Bill 432 (Substitute S-2 as reported)

Sponsor: Senator Bev Hammerstrom

Committee: Government Operations


The bill would amend the Michigan Election Law to do the following:


--    Specify that the Secretary of State would be responsible for the coordination of requirements imposed under the Federal Help America Vote Act.

--    Allow an individual who was not listed on the voter registration list to receive a ballot and vote, if he or she presented a receipt issued by specified State or local officers verifying the acceptance of a voter registration application.

--    Allow an individual to vote a provisional ballot under certain circumstances, and define “provisional ballot” as a special ballot issued to an individual who was not listed on the voter registration list at the polling place, that was tabulated only after verification of the individual’s eligibility to vote.

--    Require a voter who had moved within a city or township to verify his or her change of residence, or vote in his or her former precinct, and submit an address correction before being allowed to vote.

--    Specify that a stray mark made in a predefined area on a ballot would not be a valid vote; require election inspectors to determine whether a mark was a stray; and require the Secretary of State to issue instruction relevant to stray marks.

--    Require an expedited canvass if unofficial results for a U.S. presidential election showed a vote differential under 25,000 votes.

--    Repeal Section 509, which requires a local election official to follow specified procedures for the cancellation of a voter’s registration if the voter has not voted, reregistered, or filed a change of address for five years.

--    Repeal Section 509a, which prohibits a local official from cancelling the registration of an active duty armed forces member.

--    Repeal Section 509y, which prescribes requirements regarding voting by individuals who are not listed in registration records or precinct voting lists.

MCL 168.73 et al. - Legislative Analyst: George Towne


There were two FY 2002-03 supplemental appropriation bills totaling $64.3 million that included Federal funds and the required State match for implementation of the Help America Vote Act.

Date Completed: 12-16-03 - Fiscal Analyst: Bill BowermanFloor\sb432 - Bill Analysis @ www.senate.michigan.gov/sfa

This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.