Senate Bill 460 (as introduced 5-5-05)
Sponsor: Senator Laura M. Toy
Committee: Local, Urban and State Affairs

Date Completed: 5-17-05

The bill would amend the Home Rule City Act to require that each city determine the method of publication of all notices, ordinances, and proceedings for which the method of publication is not prescribed by law. In determining the method of publication, the city would have to require one or both of the following:

-- That publication be made in a newspaper published and circulated in the city or, if no such newspaper existed, then in one published in the county in which the city was located.
-- That publication be made by posting in the office of the clerk and in five other public places in the city or by posting in the office of the clerk and on the city's website.

If publication were made by posting in the office of the clerk, a notice of the posting describing the purpose or nature of the notice, ordinance, or proceeding posted and the location of the places where posted would have to be published at least once in a newspaper published and circulated in the city or, if no such newspaper existed, then in one published in the county in which the city was located.

MCL 117.5b Legislative Analyst: J.P. Finet

The bill would have no fiscal impact on State government, and an unknown and likely negligible impact on local government.

Fiscal Analyst: David Zin

Analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent. sb460/0506