Senate Bill 778 (as introduced 9-27-05)
Sponsor: Senator Patricia L. Birkholz
Committee: Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs
Date Completed: 10-25-05
The bill would amend Part 25 (Environmental Education) of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act to eliminate the December 31, 2005, sunset on a requirement that the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), in conjunction with the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), prepare a biennial report that assesses the status of and trends related to the overall state of the natural environment in Michigan.
Under the Act, the report must be based upon environmental indicators identified by the DEQ and the DNR, and upon data obtained through sound scientific methodologies and processes.
(The Act defines "environmental indicator" as a measure of the state of the natural environment that can be derived from empirical data. The DEQ must use the most recent data available. If relevant data are not available, the DEQ must include in the report recommendations for gathering data in the future.)
The report must be submitted to the Governor, to the standing committees of the Legislature with jurisdiction over issues primarily related to natural resources and the environment, and to the Senate and House Appropriations Subcommittees on environmental quality and natural resources. Additionally, the report must be made available to the public electronically and, upon request, in paper format.
The DEQ and the DNR must monitor efforts in other states and nationally to establish uniformity among environmental indicators that might be included within the report.
MCL 324.2521 Legislative Analyst: Julie Koval
The bill would have a minimal impact on the Department of Natural Resources and the Department of Environmental Quality. The report is prepared within existing resources of the Departments.
Fiscal Analyst: Bill Bowerman
Analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent. sb778/0506