Senate Bill 925 (as introduced 12-7-05)
Sponsor: Senator Alan Sanborn
Committee: Judiciary

Date Completed: 1-13-06

The bill would amend the Revised Judicature Act (RJA) to allow the addition of one judgeship in the 16th Judicial Circuit, which consists of Macomb County and currently has 12 judges. Under the bill, subject to Section 550 of the RJA, the 16th Circuit could have one additional judge effective January 1, 2007.

(Under Section 550, an additional circuit judgeship permitted by the RJA may not be authorized to be filled by election unless the county board of commissioners of each county in the circuit adopts a resolution approving the creation of that judgeship. The county clerk must file a copy of the resolution with the State Court Administrator by 4:00 p.m. of the 16th Tuesday preceding the August primary for the election to fill the additional judgeship.)

MCL 600.517 Legislative Analyst: Patrick Affholter

Based on current judicial salaries, the bill would cost the State the following annual amounts for an additional judgeship in the 16th Circuit:

Costs to the State Circuit Judge
Salary $139,919
Social Security 5,840
Medicare 2,029
Defined Contribution Retirement 9,794
  Total $157,582

Local expenses would include the cost of benefits for the judge, support staff wages and benefits, and facility space.

Fiscal Analyst: Stephanie Yu

Analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent. sb925/0506