February 16, 2005, Introduced by Reps. Moolenaar, Hansen, Walker, Pastor, Mayes, Robertson, Stahl, Shaffer, Booher, Nofs, Acciavatti, Kahn, Caswell, Caul, Kooiman, Pearce, Proos, Jones, Elsenheimer, David Law and Taub and referred to the Committee on Transportation.
A bill to amend 1949 PA 300, entitled
"Michigan vehicle code,"
(MCL 257.1 to 257.923) by adding section 811o.
Sec. 811o. (1) Upon application and subject to subsection (3),
the secretary of state shall develop and may issue a registration
plate with an appropriate decal representing the rotary
international to an applicant for use on the passenger motor
vehicle, pickup truck, van, or motor home for which the plate is
issued. The decal shall contain the rotary international logo and
the words "100 years".
(2) An application for a registration plate with the rotary
international decal shall be submitted to the secretary of state
pursuant to the procedures prescribed in section 217. In addition
to the regular registration tax imposed by section 801, each
application shall be accompanied with payment of $3.00 for the
first month and $2.00 per month for each additional month of the
registration period of the plate. Registration plates with the
rotary international decal shall expire on the applicant's birthday
as provided in section 226.
(3) The rotary international may submit to the secretary of
state a design of a separate decal to be affixed to a registration
plate to implement this section. The secretary of state shall
confer with the department of state police to ensure the design
will not compromise the ability of law enforcement agencies to
accurately identify specific vehicles. Registration plates with the
rotary international decal shall not be a duplication of another
registration plate.
(4) The secretary of state may issue a temporary registration
permit to a person who submits an application and the proper
payments for a registration plate with the rotary international
decal, if the applicant's current vehicle registration will expire
before his or her receipt of a registration plate with the rotary
international decal. The temporary registration shall expire upon
receipt of a registration plate with the rotary international decal
or 60 days after the issuance, whichever occurs first. The
temporary permit shall be issued without a separate fee.