May 17, 2005, Introduced by Reps. Wojno, Accavitti, Stahl and Kathleen Law and referred to the Committee on Regulatory Reform.


     A bill to amend 1998 PA 58, entitled


"Michigan liquor control code of 1998,"


by amending section 501 (MCL 436.1501), as amended by 2000 PA 431.




     Sec. 501. (1) The commission may issue licenses as provided in


this act upon the payment of the fees provided in section 525 and


the filing of the bonds required in section 801 or liability


insurance as provided in section 803. Beginning not later than July


1, 2002 and subject to section 906(2) and (3), the commission shall


not issue a new on premises license or transfer more than 50%


interest in an existing on premises license unless the applicant or


transferee offers proof acceptable to the commission that he or she


has employed or has present on the licensed premises, at a minimum,


supervisory personnel on each shift and during all hours in which


alcoholic liquor is served who have successfully completed a server


training program as further described in section 906. The


commission may consider an individual enrolled and actively


participating in a server training program as having successfully


completed the program for such time as the individual is


participating. The commission may allow an applicant or a


conditionally approved licensee at least 180 days, or more upon a


showing of good cause, to meet the minimum personnel training


requirements of this subsection. The commission may suspend the


license of a conditionally approved licensee for failure to comply


with this subsection. The commission may waive the server training


requirements of this subsection on the basis of either of the


following circumstances:


     (a) The licensee's responsible operating experience or




     (b) The person's demonstration of an acceptable level of


responsible operation either as a licensee during the preceding 3


years or as a manager with substantial experience in serving


alcoholic liquor.


     (2) A full-year license issued by the commission shall expire


on April 30 following the date of issuance or the date fixed by the


commission. A license issued under this act shall be construed as a


contract between the commission and the licensee and shall be


signed by both parties. If a licensee dies, the commission may


approve the operation of the establishment by a personal


representative or independent personal representative duly


appointed by a court of competent jurisdiction, pending the


settlement of the estate of the deceased licensee. The commission


may approve a receiver or trustee appointed by a court of competent


jurisdiction to operate the licensed establishment of a licensee.


The commission may grant a part-year license for a proportionate


part of the license fee specified in section 525. In a resort area


the commission shall grant a license for a period of time as short


as 3 months. A license may be transferred with the consent of the


commission. A class C or specially designated distributor license


obtained in a manner other than by transfer shall not be


transferred within 3 years after its issuance except under


circumstances where the licensee clearly and convincingly


demonstrates that unusual hardship will result if the transfer does


not receive the consent of the commission. An application for a


license to sell alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises,


except in a city having a population of 750,000 or more, shall be


approved by the local legislative body in which the applicant's


place of business is located before the license is granted by the


commission, except that in the case of an application for renewal


of an existing license, if an objection to a renewal has not been


filed with the commission by the local legislative body not less


than 30 days before the date of expiration of the license, the


approval of the local legislative body shall not be required. The


commission shall provide the local legislative body and the local


chief of police with the name, home and business addresses, and


home and business phone numbers to accomplish the local legislative


reviews of new and transferred license applications required by


this subsection. Upon request of the local legislative body after


due notice and proper hearing by the local legislative body and the


commission, the commission shall revoke the license of a licensee


granted a license to sell alcoholic liquor for consumption on the


premises or any permit held in conjunction with that license.


     (3) A local legislative body, by resolution, may request that


the commission revoke the license of a licensee granted a license


to sell alcoholic liquor for consumption off the premises whose


place of business is located within the local legislative body's


jurisdiction and who has been determined pursuant to commission


violation hearings to have sold or furnished alcoholic liquor, on


at least 3 separate occasions in a single calendar year, to a


person who is less than 21 years of age if those violations did not


involve the use of falsified or fraudulent identification by the


person who is less than 21 years of age  minor. If the commission


verifies that the licensee who is the subject of the resolution has


been found to have committed the violations as prescribed in this


subsection, the commission may suspend or revoke the licensee's


license and any permit held in conjunction with that license.


     (4) A local legislative body, by resolution, may request that


the commission revoke the license of a licensee granted a license


to sell alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises whose


place of business is located within the local legislative body's


jurisdiction and who has been determined pursuant to commission


violation hearings to have had violent incidents occur on the


licensed premises or in areas adjacent to the licensed premises


owned or controlled by the licensee. If the commission verifies


that the licensee who is subject to the resolution has been found,


on at least 3 separate occasions in a single calendar year, to have


had violent incidents occur on the licensed premises or in areas


adjacent to the licensed premises owned or controlled by the


licensee, the commission shall suspend or revoke the licensee's


license and any permit held in conjunction with that license. The


commission may make a determination that a violent incident has


occurred even if the incident has not resulted in a conviction of a


crime described in subsection (7).


     (5)  (4)  This act does not prohibit a hotel which is or was


the holder of a license authorizing the retail sale of alcoholic


liquor for consumption on the premises from applying for and


receiving under this act any other and different type of license


authorizing the retail sale of alcoholic liquor for consumption on


the premises, and the application for the license shall not be


considered a new application for a license so long as the total


number of public licenses for consumption on the premises does not


exceed the authorized total established in this act and the sale of


alcoholic liquor is approved by the electors. The commission may


divide the state into 3 zones and establish for each zone an


anniversary date for renewal of full-year retail licenses in the


licensing year. The commission shall promulgate rules pursuant to


the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201


to 24.328, for the effective administration of the renewal of




     (6)  (5)  The commission, with the written approval of the


department of agriculture in the case of the Michigan state


fairgrounds and the Upper Peninsula state fairgrounds, may issue


without regard to the quota provision of section 531 a tavern


license to a person as concessionaire leasing or renting a portion


of either the Upper Peninsula state fairgrounds or the state


fairgrounds, or both, to service the licensed area in use for


recreational or exhibition purposes other than at the time of the


annual Upper Peninsula state fair under section 2 of 1927 PA 89,


MCL 285.142. A license issued under this subsection is not




     (7) As used in this section, "violent incident" means the


committing of any act by any individual occurring on the licensed


premises or in areas adjacent to the licensed premises owned or


controlled by the licensee that could reasonably be considered by


the commission as a violation of any of the following:


     (a) Chapter XI of the Michigan penal code, 1931 PA 328, MCL


750.81 to 750.90g.


     (b) Chapter XLV of the Michigan penal code, 1931 PA 328, MCL


750.316 to 750.329a.


     (c) Chapter L of the Michigan penal code, 1931 PA 328, MCL


750.349 to 750.350a.


     (d) Chapter LVIII of the Michigan penal code, 1931 PA 328, MCL


750.397 to 750.397a.


     (e) Chapter LXXVI of the Michigan penal code, 1931 PA 328, MCL


750.520a to 750.520g.


     (f) Chapter LXXVIII of the Michigan penal code, 1931 PA 328,


MCL 750.529 to 750.531.