September 6, 2005, Introduced by Reps. Polidori, Clemente, Byrnes, Miller, Hopgood, Condino, Jones, Plakas, Espinoza, Gleason, Vagnozzi, Accavitti, Gonzales, Wojno, Lipsey, Hood, McConico, Lemmons, Jr., Murphy, Kolb, Adamini, Sak, Meisner, Alma Smith, Williams, Zelenko, Spade, Leland, Tobocman, Sheltrown, Garfield and Lemmons, III and referred to the Committee on Agriculture.


     A bill to amend 1964 PA 283, entitled


"Weights and measures act,"


by amending section 28b (MCL 290.628b).




     Sec. 28b. (1)  Whenever any  If a commodity or service is sold  


,  or  is  offered, exposed, or advertised for sale  ,  by weight,


measure, or count, a person shall not misrepresent the price  shall


not be misrepresented, nor shall the price be represented  or


represent the price in any manner calculated or tending to mislead


or deceive an actual or prospective purchaser.  Whenever  


     (2) If an advertised, posted, or labeled price per unit of


weight, measure, or count includes a fraction of a cent, a person


shall prominently display all elements of the fraction  shall be


prominently displayed  and display the numeral or numerals


expressing the fraction  shall be  immediately adjacent to,  of  in


the same general design and style as, and at least 1/2 the height


and width of the numerals representing the whole cents.


     (3) If a retail purchaser of gasoline must purchase another


product or meet any other requirements to receive a posted price


per gallon of gasoline, the retail seller of the gasoline shall


include on each marquee or sign on which that price per gallon is


posted a description of the requirements, in 5-inch type or type


that is at least 1/2 the height and width of the type used for the


numerals expressing the posted price, whichever is larger.