June 20, 2006, Introduced by Rep. Palmer and referred to the Committee on Agriculture.


     A bill to amend 1994 PA 451, entitled


"Natural resources and environmental protection act,"


by amending sections 8803 and 8807 (MCL 324.8803 and 324.8807), as


added by 1998 PA 287.




     Sec. 8803.  In  Subject to subsection (2), in selecting


projects for a grant award, the department shall consider the


following as they relate to a project:


     (a) The expectation for long-term water quality improvement.


     (b) The expectation for long-term protection of high quality




     (c) The consistency of the project with remedial action plans


and other regional water quality or watershed management plans


approved by the department.


     (d) The placement of the watershed on the list of impaired


waters pursuant to  section 303(d) of title III of the federal


water pollution control act, chapter 758, 86 Stat. 846,  33  U.S.C.  


USC 1313.


     (e) Commitments for financial and technical assistance from


the partners in the project.


     (f) Financial and other resource contributions, including in-


kind services, by project participants in excess of that required


in section 8802(4).


     (g) The length of time the applicant has committed to maintain


the physical improvements.


     (h) The commitment to provide monitoring to document


improvement in water quality or the reduction of pollutant loads.


     (i) Whether the project provides benefits to sources of


drinking water.


     (j) Other information the department considers relevant.


     (2) In selecting projects for a grant award, the department


shall give priority to water quality monitoring projects in


watersheds with a high concentration of livestock production




     Sec. 8807. (1) The clean water fund is created within the


state treasury.


     (2) The state treasurer may receive money or other assets from


any source for deposit into the fund. The state treasurer shall


direct the investment of the fund. The state treasurer shall credit


to the fund interest and earnings from fund investments.


     (3) Money in the fund at the close of the fiscal year shall


remain in the fund and shall not lapse to the general fund.


     (4) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the


department shall expend money in the fund, upon appropriation, for


any of the following:


     (a) To implement the programs described in the department's


document entitled "A strategic environmental quality monitoring


program for Michigan's surface waters", dated January 1997. In


implementing these programs, the department may contract with any




     (b) Water pollution control activities.


     (c) Wellhead protection activities.


     (d) Storm water treatment projects and activities.


     (5) Money in the fund shall not be expended for combined sewer


overflow corrections.


     (6) The first priority for expenditure of money in the fund


shall be for the programs described in subsection (4)(a). In


selecting projects to be funded under subsection (4)(a), the


department shall give priority to water quality monitoring projects


in watersheds with a high concentration of livestock production




     (7) Money in the fund shall not be expended until rules are


promulgated under section 8808.