January 12, 2005, Introduced by Senator SCOTT and referred to the Committee on Banking and Financial Institutions.
A bill to amend 1956 PA 218, entitled
"The insurance code of 1956,"
by amending section 2127 (MCL 500.2127) and by adding section 2128.
Sec. 2127. The commissioner may by rule prospectively require
insurers, rating organizations, and advisory organizations to
and report data only to the extent necessary to monitor
and evaluate the automobile and home insurance markets in this
state. The commissioner shall authorize the use of sampling
techniques in each instance where sampling is practicable and
consistent with the purposes for which the data, by county, are to
be collected and reported. Rules promulgated pursuant to this
section are in addition to, and do not replace, the reporting
requirements in section 2128.
Sec. 2128. (1) By April 1 of each year, each insurer who
issues automobile insurance or home insurance in this state shall
file with the commissioner on forms prescribed by the commissioner
the following insurance data for the prior calendar year:
(a) The number of claims for benefits for which payment is
made and the average time for processing the claims.
(b) The number of claims for benefits that are closed without
payment and the average time for processing the claims.
(c) The number of claims for benefits that involve some form
of litigation and are closed without payment and the average time
for processing the claims.
(d) The number of claims for benefits that involve litigation
and for which payment is made after litigation commences, including
the average length of time between the filing of the claim and the
first payment.
(2) Information filed with the commissioner under subsection
(1) is subject to the freedom of information act, 1976 PA 442, MCL
15.231 to 15.246.