Act No. 188

Public Acts of 2005

Approved by the Governor

November 4, 2005

Filed with the Secretary of State

November 7, 2005

EFFECTIVE DATE: November 7, 2005




Introduced by Senator Prusi


AN ACT to amend 1984 PA 431, entitled "An act to prescribe the powers and duties of the department of management and budget; to define the authority and functions of its director and its organizational entities; to authorize the department to issue directives; to provide for the capital outlay program; to provide for the leasing, planning, constructing, maintaining, altering, renovating, demolishing, conveying of lands and facilities; to provide for centralized administrative services such as purchasing, payroll, record retention, data processing, and publishing and for access to certain services; to provide for a system of internal accounting and administrative control for certain principal departments; to provide for an internal auditor in certain principal departments; to provide for certain powers and duties of certain state officers and agencies; to codify, revise, consolidate, classify, and add to the powers, duties, and laws relative to budgeting, accounting, and the regulating of appropriations; to provide for the implementation of certain constitutional provisions; to create funds and accounts; to make appropriations; to prescribe remedies and penalties; to rescind certain executive reorganization orders; to prescribe penalties; and to repeal certain acts and parts of acts," by amending section 353c (MCL 18.1353c), as amended by 2002 PA 504.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

Sec. 353c. (1) For the fiscal year ending September 30, 1995 only, there is appropriated from the fund to the general fund the sum of $59,500,000.00 to be used to pay the court settlement amount for the department of natural resources in the matter of Miller Brothers, et al v State of Michigan, et al (Court of Claims docket no. 88-11848-CM).

(2) For the fiscal year ending September 30, 1995 only, there is appropriated from the fund to the general fund the sum of $875,000.00 to be used to pay the court settlement liquidated damages for the department of natural resources in the matter of Miller Brothers, et al v State of Michigan, et al (Court of Claims docket no. 88-11848-CM).

(3) For the fiscal year ending September 30, 1995 only, there is appropriated from the fund to the general fund thesum of $30,000,000.00 to be used to pay the court settlement and purchase mineral rights for the department of natural resources in the matter of Carnagel Oil Associates, et al v State of Michigan, et al (Court of Claims docket no.88-11848-CC).

(4) For the fiscal year ending September 30, 1995 only, there is appropriated to the department of natural resources from the general fund $59,500,000.00. This appropriation may only be used to pay the court settlement associated with the matter of Miller Brothers, et al v State of Michigan, et al (Court of Claims docket no. 88-11848-CM).

(5) For the fiscal year ending September 30, 1995 only, there is appropriated to the department of natural resources from the general fund $875,000.00. This appropriation may only be used to pay the court settlement liquidated damages associated with the matter of Miller Brothers, et al v State of Michigan, et al (Court of Claims docket no. 88-11848-CM).

(6) For the fiscal year ending September 30, 1995 only, there is appropriated to the department of natural resources from the general fund $30,000,000.00. This appropriation may only be used to pay the court settlement and purchase mineral rights associated with the matter of Carnagel Oil Associates, et al v State of Michigan, et al (Court of Claims docket no. 88-11848-CC). The payment authorized under this subsection shall be made on or before November 30, 1995.

(7) It is the intent of the legislature that money appropriated from the fund to pay the court settlement and liquidated damages associated with the matter of Miller Brothers, et al v State of Michigan, et al (Court of Claims docket no. 88-11848-CM) be repaid to the fund from the Michigan strategic fund created in the Michigan strategic fund act, 1984 PA 270, MCL 125.2001 to 125.2093.

(8) It is the intent of the legislature that money appropriated from the fund to pay the court settlement and purchase mineral rights associated with the matter of Carnagel Oil Associates, et al v State of Michigan, et al (Court of Claims docket no. 88-11848-CC) be repaid to the fund from the Michigan strategic fund created in the Michigan strategic fund act, 1984 PA 270, MCL 125.2001 to 125.2093.

(9) Following November 13, 1995, if the recipient of the $59,500,000.00 appropriation pursuant to subsections (1) and(4) obtains, by lease, purchase, or otherwise, the mineral rights for the real property that was the subject of the court settlement referenced in this section, the state shall seek repayment of that portion of the $59,500,000.00 settlement that was not attributed to the cost of the initial lease or to lawfully accrued interest.

(10) For the fiscal year ending September 30, 2001 only, there is appropriated from the fund to the general fund the sum of $77,000,000.00.

(11) For the fiscal year ending September 30, 2001 only, the state budget director, before the final accounting of state revenues and expenditures is completed, shall calculate the amount of funds that will be necessary to ensure a zero balance in the general fund/general purpose state budget at bookclosing. This calculation shall be made excluding any net general fund/general purpose appropriation lapses that occur when the final accounting of state expenditures is completed. For purposes of this calculation, the closure or reduction of prior year work projects shall not be considered appropriation lapses. The state budget director shall provide a report to the house and senate appropriations committees and the house and senate fiscal agencies of this calculation as soon as it is completed. Based on this calculation, there is appropriated from the fund to the general fund the amount calculated by the state budget director, not to exceed $200,000,000.00.

(12) For the fiscal year ending September 30, 2002 only, there is appropriated from the fund to the general fund the sum of $335,000,000.00.

(13) In addition to subsection (12), for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2002 only, there is appropriated from the fund to the school aid fund the sum of $350,000,000.00.

(14) For the fiscal year ending September 30, 2002 only, the state budget director, before the final accounting of state revenues and expenditures is completed, shall calculate the amount of funds that will be necessary to ensure a zero balance in the general fund state budget at bookclosing. This calculation shall be made excluding $114,500,000.00. The state budget director shall provide a report to the house and senate appropriations committees and the house and senate fiscal agencies of this calculation as soon as it is completed. Based on this calculation, there is appropriated from the fund to the general fund the amount calculated by the state budget director.

(15) For the fiscal year ending September 30, 2003 only, there is appropriated from the fund to the general fund the sum of $207,000,000.00.

(16) For the fiscal year ending September 30, 2005 only, $81,300,000.00 is appropriated from the fund to the general fund.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.

Secretary of the Senate

Clerk of the House of Representatives

