House Bill 5171

Sponsor:  Rep. Mark Meadows

House Bill 5322

Sponsor:  Rep. Brenda Clack

Committee:  Health Policy

Complete to 1-29-07


Together, the bills would require the Department of Community Health to provide to schools informational materials on the risks associated with the human papillomavirus (HPV) and information regarding immunization for HPV, and require schools, under certain circumstances, to further disseminate the information to parents.

House Bill 5171 would add a new section to the Public Health Code (MCL 333.9205b) to require the Department of Community Health (DCH) to identify materials containing information regarding the risks associated with HPV and the availability, effectiveness, and potential risks of immunization for HPV.  The DCH would have to notify each public school, public school academy (charter school), and nonpublic school in the state of the availability of these materials and must also post the materials on its website.

The DCH would also have to encourage each school to provide or make available to enrolled students and to parents of students attending the school the materials described above.  "Public school," "public school academy," and "nonpublic school" would mean those terms as defined in Section 5 of the Revised School Code (MCL 380.5).

House Bill 5322 would amend the Revised School Code (MCL 380.1177a).  If, at the beginning of a school year, the board of a school district or the board of directors of a public school academy provided information on immunizations, infectious disease, medications, or other school health issues to parents and guardians of pupils in or entering Grade 6, then information would also have to be included about HPV and the HPV vaccine.  At a minimum, the information would have to include the risks associated with HPV; the availability, effectiveness, and potential risks of immunization for HPV, and potential risks of HPV immunization; and sources where parents and guardians may obtain additional information about HPV and vaccination of a child against HPV.


House Bill 5171, as introduced, may have modest fiscal implications for the Department of Community Health.  The bill increases responsibilities of the department regarding information materials regarding HPV vaccination and notifications to schools.  This may increase staffing needs if these functions cannot be performed with existing personnel and resources.

House Bill 5322 would have minimal, if any, fiscal impact on school districts associated with adding information about the human papillomavirus and vaccine to information they distribute regarding immunizations and health issues.

                                                                                           Legislative Analyst:   Susan Stutzky

                                                                                                  Fiscal Analyst:   Susan Frey

                                                                                                                           Bethany Wicksall

                                                                                                                           Mary Ann Cleary

This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan House staff for use by House members in their deliberations, and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.