House Bill 6014
Sponsor: Rep. Ted Hammon
Committee: Tourism, Outdoor Recreation and Natural Resources
Complete to 5-6-08
The bill would amend Part 802 (Personal Watercraft) of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act which governs the use of personal watercraft (e.g., jet skis) on the waters of the state. The bill would make the following changes:
Begin nighttime ban at sunset. Under the bill, the ban on the nighttime use of personal watercraft on waters of the state would begin at sunset, not one hour before. It would end at 8 a.m., as is currently the case.
Ban use by children under 16 in 2010. The bill would ban the use of personal watercraft by persons under the age of 16 effective October 1, 2010.
Eliminate certain current restrictions applicable to persons under 16 when ban takes effect. Under the bill, certain existing provisions concerning the use of personal watercraft by young people would expire on October 1, 2010, the date the ban on the use of personal watercraft by persons under the age of 16 would take effect. Provisions that would be eliminated, effective October 1, 2010, include:
· The provision that, unless an exception applies, a child under the age of 14 may not use a personal watercraft on the waters of the state.
· The provision allowing people who were at least 12 but less than 14 before January 1, 1999 to use personal watercraft if they obtained a boating safety certificate before January 1, 1999. (The people to whom this grandfather provision applies are currently between the ages of 21 and 23.)
· The provision allowing children between the age of 12 and 14 to use personal watercraft if (1) accompanied solely by a parent or legal guardian; (2) both the child and the parent or guardian have boating safety certificates; (3) the personal watercraft has a lanyard engine cutoff switch attached to the person, clothing, or flotation device of the parent or guardian; (4) the personal watercraft is designed to hold at least two people.
Retain existing exemption. The bill would retain the current exemption from age restrictions for performers engaged in professional exhibitions or persons preparing to participate in a regatta, race, marine parade, tournament, or exhibition held in compliance with Section 80164 under a permit issued by the Department of Natural Resources.
Repealer. The bill would repeal Enacting Section 2 of Public Act 27 of 2004. Under that section, the entire Part 802 is to be repealed on March 23, 2012. This provision undoes the repealer.
MCL 324.80204 and 324.80215
A fiscal analysis in process
Legislative Analyst: Shannan Kane
Fiscal Analyst: Kirk Lindquist
■ This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan House staff for use by House members in their deliberations, and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.