SB-1589, As Passed Senate, December 4, 2008



























     A bill to amend 1867 PA 35, entitled


"An act to provide for the formation of street railway companies,

defining their powers and duties and authorizing the construction,

use, maintenance and ownership of street railways for the

transportation of passengers, and for accumulating, storing,

manufacturing, conducting, using, selling, furnishing and supplying

electricity and electric power, by such companies,"


by amending the title and section 23 (MCL 472.23); and to repeal


acts and parts of acts.






     An act to provide for the formation of nonprofit street


railway companies, defining their powers and duties and authorizing


the construction, use, maintenance and ownership of street railways


for the transportation of passengers, and for accumulating,


storing, manufacturing, conducting, using, selling, furnishing and


supplying electricity and electric power, by such companies; to


prescribe powers and duties of certain state and local agencies and


officials; to provide remedies and penalties; to provide for the


establishment of a transit development finance zone; and to


authorize the use of tax increment financing.


     Sec. 23. If the directors of any company formed under this act


shall declare or pay any dividend when the company is insolvent, or


the payment of which would render it insolvent, or which would


diminish the amount of its capital stock, they and all stockholders


who shall knowingly accept or receive such dividend, shall be


jointly and severally individually liable for all the debts of such


company then existing and for all that shall be thereafter


contracted, while they shall respectively continue stockholders or


in office.


     (1) At the request of a street railway, the department may


establish a transit development finance zone for a street railway


system if the department determines that it is necessary for the


best interests of the public to promote and finance transit


development in a zone. A parcel shall not be included in more than


1 zone created under this section.


     (2) The boundaries of a zone shall be established by the


department and may include parcels that are not greater than 1/4


mile in distance from a street railway system operated by the


street railway. Before establishing a zone, the department shall


consult with affected municipalities, counties, street railways,


public transportation agencies, private transportation providers,


and any other person or entity that the department considers


Senate Bill No. 1589 as amended December 4, 2008


necessary before designating a zone. The department may conduct a


planning study and may designate a zone in advance of


implementation of street railway system service associated with a




     (3) The department shall enter into an agreement with the


affected municipalities<<, A COUNTY WITH A POPULATION OF MORE THAN

2,000,000,>> and the street railway to create a zone.


The agreement shall include all of the following:


     (a) The geographic boundaries of the zone, including both of


the following:


     (i) The designation of boundaries of the zone in relation to


highways, streets, streams, lakes, other bodies of water, or




     (ii) The location and extent of existing streets and other


public facilities within the zone, designating the location,


character, and extent of the categories of public and private land


uses then existing in the zone, including residential,


recreational, commercial, industrial, educational, and other uses,


and including a legal description of the zone.


     (b) A tax increment financing plan for the zone.


     (c) A description of specific actions to be taken by the


parties under the agreement to help establish the zone.


     (d) The requirement that amendments to the agreement must be


approved by the department, affected municipalities, <<A COUNTY WITH A

POPULATION OF MORE THAN 2,000,000,>> and the street




     (e) Any other material that the department, affected


municipalities, <<COUNTY WITH A POPULATION OF MORE THAN 2,000,000,>> or

the street railway considers necessary or




     (4) An agreement designating a zone and establishing its


boundaries under subsection (3) and any amendments to the agreement


shall be filed by the department with the secretary of state.


     (5) A tax increment financing plan for a zone established


under this section shall include a detailed explanation of the tax


increment procedure and a statement of the estimated impact of tax


increment financing on the assessed value of all taxing


jurisdictions in which the zone is located. The plan shall provide


for the use of part or all of the captured assessed value by the


street railway for the expenses of operating the street railway,


with any portion used clearly stated in the tax increment financing


plan. The department and affected municipalities may exclude from


captured assessed value growth in property value resulting solely


from inflation. The plan shall set forth the method for excluding


growth in property value resulting solely from inflation. Before


including a tax increment financing plan in an agreement under


subsection (3), the department shall provide a reasonable


opportunity to the taxing jurisdictions levying taxes subject to


capture to meet with the department. The department shall fully


inform the taxing jurisdictions of the fiscal and economic


implications of the plan. The taxing jurisdictions may present


their recommendations to the department on the tax increment


financing plan.


     (6) Before a tax increment financing plan is implemented, the


department shall enter into a contract with the street railway


included within the zone. The contract shall include, but not be


limited to, terms regarding the distribution of revenue.


     (7) The municipal and county treasurers shall transmit tax


increment revenues to the street railway. The street railway shall


expend the tax increment revenues only under the terms of the tax


increment financing plan. Unused funds shall revert proportionately


to the respective taxing bodies. Tax increment revenues shall not


be used to circumvent existing property tax limitations. The


department may abolish the tax increment financing plan if it finds


that the purposes for which it was established are accomplished.


Annually, the street railway, with assistance from the department,


shall submit to the department and the state tax commission a


report on the status of the tax increment financing revenue. The


report shall include all of the following:


     (a) The amount and source of tax increment revenue received by


the street railway.


     (b) The amount and purpose of expenditures from tax increment




     (c) The initial assessed value of the zone.


     (d) The captured assessed value retained within the zone.


     (e) A description of operating expenditures of the street




     (f) Any additional information the department or state tax


commission considers necessary.


     (8) The state tax commission may institute proceedings to


compel enforcement of this section. The state tax commission may


promulgate rules necessary for the administration of this section


under the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL


24.201 to 24.328.


     (9) The department of treasury and the state tax commission


may assist the department in performing duties and responsibilities


under this section.


     (10) As used in this section:


     (a) "Assessed value" means the taxable value as determined


under section 27a of the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL




     (b) "Captured assessed value" means the amount in any 1 year


by which the current assessed value of a zone, including the


assessed value of property for which specific local taxes are paid


in lieu of property taxes, exceeds the initial assessed value. The


state tax commission shall prescribe the method for calculating


captured assessed value.


     (c) "Initial assessed value" means the assessed value of all


the taxable property within the boundaries of a zone at the time


the tax increment financing plan is approved by the department, as


shown by the most recent assessment roll of the municipality at the


time the plan is adopted. Property exempt from taxation at the time


of the determination of the initial assessed value shall be


included as zero. For the purpose of determining initial assessed


value, property for which a specific local tax is paid in lieu of a


property tax shall not be considered to be property that is exempt


from taxation.


     (d) "Parcel" means an identifiable unit of land that is


treated as separate for valuation or zoning purposes.


     (e) "Specific local tax" means a tax levied under 1974 PA 198,


MCL 207.551 to 207.572, the commercial redevelopment act, 1978 PA


255, MCL 207.651 to 207.668, the technology park development act,


1984 PA 385, MCL 207.701 to 207.718, the commercial rehabilitation


act, 2005 PA 210, MCL 207.841 to 207.856, or 1953 PA 189, MCL


211.181 to 211.182. The initial assessed value or current assessed


value of property subject to a specific local tax shall be the


quotient of the specific local tax paid divided by the ad valorem


millage rate. The state tax commission shall prescribe the method


for calculating the initial assessed value and current assessed


value of property for which a specific local tax was paid in lieu


of a property tax.


     (f) "Tax increment revenues" means the amount of ad valorem


property taxes and specific local taxes attributable to the


application of the levy of all taxing jurisdictions upon the


captured assessed value of real and personal property in the zone.


Tax increment revenues do not include any of the following:


     (i) Taxes under the state education tax act, 1993 PA 331, MCL


211.901 to 211.906.


     (ii) Taxes levied by local or intermediate school districts.


     (iii) Ad valorem property taxes attributable either to a portion


of the captured assessed value shared with taxing jurisdictions


within the jurisdictional area of the authority or to a portion of


value of property that may be excluded from captured assessed value


or specific local taxes attributable to the ad valorem property




     (iv) Ad valorem property taxes excluded by the tax increment


financing plan of the authority from the determination of the


amount of tax increment revenues to be transmitted to the authority


Senate Bill No. 1589 as amended December 4, 2008


or specific local taxes attributable to the ad valorem property




     (v) Ad valorem property taxes exempted from capture under


subsection (5) or specific local taxes attributable to the ad


valorem property taxes.


     (vi) Ad valorem property taxes specifically levied for the


payment of principal and interest of obligations approved by the


electors or obligations pledging the unlimited taxing power of the


local governmental unit or specific taxes attributable to those ad


valorem property taxes.


     (g) "Zone" means a transit development finance zone


established by the department under this section.


     Enacting section 1. Sections 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16,


18, 20, 22, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 31a, 32, 34, 35, and 36 of 1867


PA 35, MCL 472.2, 472.4, 472.6, 472.8, 472.10, 472.12, 472.14,


472.15, 472.16, 472.18, 472.20, 472.22, 472.24, 472.25, 472.28,


472.29, 472.30, 472.31, 472.31a, 472.32, 472.34, 472.35, and


472.36, are repealed.

     <<Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take effect

unless all of the following bills of the 94th Legislature are enacted

into law:

     (a) House Bill No. 6542.

     (b) House Bill No. 6543.

     (c) House Bill No. 6546.

     (d) House Bill No. 6625.>>