April 25, 2007, Introduced by Rep. Lemmons and referred to the Committee on Education.


     A bill to amend 1976 PA 451, entitled


"The revised school code,"


by amending section 416 (MCL 380.416), as amended by 2004 PA 303.




     Sec. 416. (1) This section applies to a first class school


district only if the question under section 410 is not approved in


the first class school district.


     (2) The officers of the first class school district board


shall be a president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer. The


Subject to subsection (7), the board, a majority of which shall


constitute constitutes a quorum, shall elect its president and


vice-president biennially from among the members of the board. In


case of a vacancy in the office of president, the vice-president


shall succeed to the office of president for the balance of the


unexpired term. The secretary and treasurer shall be appointed by


the board but shall not be members of the board and shall receive a


salary fixed by the board.


     (3) The president, vice-president, and secretary shall perform


the duties prescribed by the bylaws and regulations of the board.


The duties of the treasurer shall be determined by the school


district general superintendent, as approved by the board.


     (4) The officers of the board who in the discharge of the


duties of their respective positions handle funds belonging to the


first class school district shall be required to give bonds for the


faithful performance of their duties in accordance with the bylaws


and regulations of the board. The premium of the bonds shall be


paid from the funds of the board.


     (5) The school district treasurer shall have the custody of


all money belonging to the school district and shall pay out money


pursuant to section 433. The funds shall be deposited with


depositories selected by the board, and the interest derived shall


be paid into the general fund of the board.


     (6) The board shall require from the school district treasurer


a separate bond of not less than $200,000.00 to protect the funds


of the board.


     (7) All of the following apply to the board members elected by


the board in 2006 as president and vice president of the board:


     (a) The initial term as president and vice president for each


of those board members is continued until a successor is elected by


the board for each in January of 2008.


     (b) Successors for each of those officers as described in


subdivision (a) shall be elected biennially by the board as


provided under subsection (2).