June 19, 2007, Introduced by Reps. Lemmons, Young and Gonzales and referred to the Committee on Government Operations.
A bill to require state and local governmental bodies to use
census figures adjusted to reflect preincarceration addresses of
persons imprisoned in this state; and to provide for the powers and
duties of certain state and local governmental officers and
Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the
"prisoner census adjustment act".
Sec. 3. Not later than June 1 of the year in which the federal
decennial census is conducted, each state and local governmental
entity in this state that operates a facility for the incarceration
of persons convicted of a criminal offense or that places any
person convicted of a criminal offense in a private facility to be
incarcerated on behalf of the governmental entity shall submit a
report to the secretary of state with the following information:
(a) The name of each person incarcerated on the date for which
the census reports population who completed a census form,
responded to a census inquiry, or was included in any report
provided to census officials, if the form, response, or report
indicated that the person resided at the facility on that date.
(b) The age, gender, and race of each person included in the
(c) The last address at which the person resided before the
person's current incarceration.
Sec. 5. (1) For each person included in a report received
under section 3, the secretary of state shall determine the
geographic units for which population counts are reported in the
federal decennial census that contain the last address at which the
person resided before the person's incarceration according to the
report and, if that address is in the state, do the following:
(a) Adjust all relevant population counts reported in the
census, including populations by age, gender, and race, as if the
person resided at that address on the day for which the census
reports population.
(b) Eliminate the person from all applicable population counts
reported in the federal decennial census for the geographic units
that include the facility at which the person was incarcerated on
the day for which the census reports population.
(2) Not later than the next September 1 following the date on
which the tract-level population counts for this state from the
federal decennial census are released by the director of the bureau
of the census of the United States department of commerce, the
secretary of state shall prepare and disseminate adjusted
population counts for each geographic unit included in the census
counts as provided by subsection (1).
Sec. 7. A state governmental body that redistricts any
election districts subject to the one-person-one-vote requirement
of the constitution of the United States shall use the most recent
adjusted population counts prepared by the secretary of state under
section 5.