October 30, 2007, Introduced by Reps. Clack, Johnson, Hammon, Byrnes, Kathleen Law, Vagnozzi, Cushingberry, Robert Jones, Bieda, Gonzales, Constan, Lemmons, Hammel, Hopgood and Donigan and referred to the Committee on Education.
A bill to amend 1939 PA 288, entitled
"Probate code of 1939,"
(MCL 710.21 to 712A.32) by adding section 2f to chapter XIIA.
Sec. 2f. When a juvenile is determined to be within the
jurisdiction of the court under section 2(a)(4) of this chapter due
to willful and repeated absence from school or another learning
program, the court shall immediately after entry of a court order
of disposition for the juvenile, prepare and forward an abstract of
the record of the court for the case to the secretary of state.
Upon receipt of the abstract of the record, the secretary of state
shall suspend the operator's license of the juvenile for 6 months
from the date of disposition or, in the case of a juvenile who is
not licensed under the Michigan vehicle code, 1949 PA 300, MCL
257.1 to 257.923, the secretary of state shall not issue the
juvenile an operator's license for 6 months from the date of
disposition, as applicable.
Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take effect
unless Senate Bill No.____ or House Bill No. 5380(request no.
01654'07) of the 94th Legislature is enacted into law.