February 19, 2008, Introduced by Rep. Jackson and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.


     A bill to amend 1961 PA 236, entitled


"Revised judicature act of 1961,"


by amending section 504 (MCL 600.504), as amended by 2002 PA 715,


and by adding chapter 10B.




     Sec. 504. (1) The third judicial circuit consists of the


county of Wayne and has the following number of judges:


     (a) Until 12 noon, January 1 , 2003 of the first odd-numbered


year following the date of the approval resolution required under


section 1097, 64 61 judges.


     (b) Beginning 12 noon, January 1 , 2003 of the first odd-


numbered year following the date of the approval resolution


required under section 1097, 63 51 judges. ; however, if, after 12


noon, January 1, 2003, a vacancy occurs in a judgeship held by an


incumbent judge of this circuit who would be ineligible to seek


reelection to that office in 2004, that judgeship is eliminated


unless the total number of judgeships in this circuit has been


reduced to 61 before that vacancy occurred.


     (c) Beginning 12 noon, January 1 , 2005 of the third odd-


numbered year following the date of the approval resolution


required under section 1097, 61 41 judges.


     (d) Beginning 12 noon, January 1 of the fifth odd-numbered


year following the date of the approval resolution required under


section 1097, 32 judges.






     Sec. 1090. The Detroit recorder's court is created and is a


court of record.


     Sec. 1091. (1) The Detroit recorder's court has 29 judges, who


shall be nominated and elected at nonpartisan elections and shall


reside in the city of Detroit. Except as provided in subsection


(2), each judge of the Detroit recorder's court shall hold office


for a term of 6 years and until his or her successor is elected and




     (2) Of the 29 judges initially elected to the Detroit


recorder's court at the first November general election at which


those judges are eligible to be elected for terms beginning the


following January 1 and for that election only, the following


special provisions apply:


     (a) The 9 candidates beginning with the candidate receiving


the highest number of votes through the candidate receiving the


ninth highest number of votes shall be elected to terms of 10 years




     (b) The 9 candidates beginning with the candidate receiving


the tenth highest number of votes through the candidate receiving


the nineteenth highest number of votes shall be elected to terms of


8 years each.


     (c) The 9 candidates beginning with the candidate receiving


the twentieth highest number of votes through the candidate


receiving the lowest number of votes shall be elected to terms of 6


years each.


     Sec. 1092. (1) The Detroit recorder's court has exclusive


jurisdiction over criminal violations occurring in the city of


Detroit punishable by imprisonment for more than 1 year.


     (2) Effective January 1 of the year immediately following the


initial election of judges to Detroit recorder's court under this


chapter, any reference in the laws of this state to the circuit


court that would have been construed to refer to the third judicial


circuit of the circuit court shall be construed to refer to the


Detroit recorder's court if the reference involves a criminal


matter that is within the jurisdiction of the Detroit recorder's


court under subsection (1).


     Sec. 1093. Effective January 1 of the year immediately


following the initial election of judges to Detroit recorder's


court under this chapter, all files, records, and pending cases of


the third judicial circuit of the circuit court that are within the


jurisdiction of the Detroit recorder's court under section 1092


shall be transferred to the Detroit recorder's court in accordance


with rules prescribed by the supreme court, and the Detroit


recorder's court shall exercise all powers in regard to those


files, records, and cases as provided by rules of the supreme


court. The Detroit recorder's court shall have jurisdiction to hear


and determine all cases transferred under this section and shall


exercise all authority with regard to those cases as though the


cases had been commenced in that court. All orders and judgments of


the Detroit Recorder's court shall be appealable in like manner and


to the same courts as applicable before that date.


     Sec. 1094. Except as otherwise provided by law, the chief


judge of the Detroit recorder's court shall appoint, supervise,


discipline, or dismiss the employees of that court in accordance


with applicable personnel policies and procedures and any


applicable collective bargaining agreement. Those employees shall


be employees of the city of Detroit, and compensation of the


employees serving in the Detroit recorder's court shall be paid by


the city of Detroit.


     Sec. 1095. (1) Subject to subsection (3), each judge of the


Detroit recorder's court shall receive an annual salary payable by


the state as provided in this section and may receive from the city


of Detroit an additional salary as determined from time to time by


the city council of the city of Detroit. If an additional salary is


granted, it shall be paid at the same rate to all Detroit


recorder's court judges.


     (2) Each circuit judge shall receive an annual salary


determined as follows:


     (a) An annual salary payable by the state that is the


difference between 85% of the salary of a justice of the supreme


court and $45,724.00.


     (b) An additional salary payable by the city of Detroit. The


state shall reimburse to the city of Detroit $45,724.00, if the


total additional salary, including any cost-of-living allowance,


payable by the city to a judge is not less than or more than


$45,724.00. If the city pays a circuit judge less than or more than


$45,724.00, the city is not entitled to reimbursement from the


state under this subsection.


     (3) An increase in the amount of salary payable to a judge


under this section caused by an increase in the salary payable to a


justice of the supreme court resulting from the operation of 1968


PA 357, MCL 15.211 to 15.218, shall not be effective until February


1 of the year in which the increase in the salary of a justice of


the supreme court becomes effective. If an increase in salary


becomes effective on February 1 of a year in which an increase in


the salary of a justice of the supreme court becomes effective, the


increase shall be retroactive to January 1 of that year.


     Sec. 1096. The judges of the Detroit recorder's court shall


not practice as attorneys or counselors in any court of the state


and shall not engage in the practice of law for compensation. A


judge of the Detroit recorder's court may not have any law partner


practicing in that court.


     Sec. 1097. (1) This chapter does not take effect unless the


city of Detroit, by resolution of the governing body of the city,


agrees to assume responsibility for any expenses required of the


city by this chapter.


     (2) If the city of Detroit, acting through its governing body,


agrees to assume responsibility for any expenses required of the


city by this chapter, that action constitutes an exercise of the


city's option to provide a new activity or service or to increase


the level of activity or service offered in the city of Detroit


beyond that required by existing law, as the elements of that


option are defined by 1979 PA 101, MCL 21.231 to 21.244, and a


voluntary acceptance by the city of all expenses and capital


improvements which may result from establishment of the recorder's


court for the city of Detroit. However, the exercise of the option


does not affect the state's obligation to pay the portion of each


judge's salary paid by the state or to appropriate and disburse


funds to the city of Detroit for the necessary costs of state


requirements established by a state law.