March 13, 2008, Introduced by Reps. Hammon, Constan, Clemente, Clack, Robert Jones, Hammel, Angerer, Hopgood, LeBlanc, Accavitti, Meadows, Polidori, Brown, Lemmons, Alma Smith, Simpson, Jackson, Vagnozzi, Johnson, Kathleen Law, Dean, Espinoza and Melton and referred to the Committee on Health Policy.
A bill to amend 1978 PA 368, entitled
"Public health code,"
(MCL 333.1101 to 333.25211) by adding section 12102.
Sec. 12102. Not later than 1 year after the effective date of
this section, the department, in consultation with the department
of environmental quality, shall do all of the following:
(a) Identify environmental pollutants commonly used or found
in areas that are reasonably accessible to children.
(b) Utilizing scientific peer review, prepare a list of
environmental pollutants identified under subdivision (a) with
known, likely, or suspected health risks to children.
(c) Make recommendations to help reduce or eliminate exposure
of children to environmental pollutants on the list prepared under
subdivision (b) in areas reasonably accessible to children. If the
list prepared under subdivision (b) includes pesticides, the
recommendation shall include advice, developed in consultation with
the department of agriculture, on how to establish an integrated
pest management program that reduces or eliminates exposure of
children to those pesticides.
(d) Distribute information, based on the recommendations made
under subdivision (c), advising parents on how to protect children
from exposure to environmental pollutants.