May 25, 2007, Introduced by Senators GARCIA, CROPSEY, JELINEK, KUIPERS and BISHOP and referred to the Committee on Local, Urban and State Affairs.




     A bill to amend 1967 (Ex Sess) PA 7, entitled


"Urban cooperation act of 1967,"


by amending section 5 (MCL 124.505), as amended by 1985 PA 10.




     Sec. 5. A joint exercise of power pursuant to this act shall


be made by contract or contracts in the form of an interlocal


agreement which may provide for:


     (a) The purpose of the interlocal agreement or the power to be


exercised and the method by which the purpose will be accomplished


or the manner in which the power will be exercised.


     (b) The duration of the interlocal agreement and the method by


which it may be rescinded or terminated by any participating public


agency prior to the stated date of termination.


     (c) The precise organization, composition, and nature of any


separate legal or administrative entity created in the interlocal


agreement with the powers designated to that entity.


     (d) The manner in which the parties to the interlocal


agreement will provide for financial support from the treasuries


that may be made for the purpose set forth in the interlocal


agreement, payments of public funds that may be made to defray the


cost of such purpose, advances of public funds that may be made for


the purposes set forth in the interlocal agreements and repayment


of the public funds, and the personnel, equipment, or property of 1


or more of the parties to the agreement that may be used in lieu of


other contributions or advances.


     (e) The manner in which funds may be paid to and disbursed by


any separate legal or administrative entity created pursuant to the


interlocal agreement.


     (f) A method or formula for equitably providing for and


allocating revenues, including, in the case of an authorized


undertaking that is publicly owned at the time the interlocal


agreement is entered into or becomes publicly owned during the time


the interlocal agreement is in effect, revenues derived by or


payable to any participating party or any other public agency which


revenues directly or indirectly result from that undertaking,


whether the revenues are in the form of ad valorem taxes on real or


personal property, taxes on income, specific taxes or funds made


available by the state in lieu of ad valorem property taxes or


local income taxes, any other form of taxation, assessment, levy,


or impost, or any money paid under or which revert from a tax


increment financing plan. The interlocal agreement may also provide


a method or formula equitably providing for and allocating revenues


derived from a federal or state grant or loan, or from a gift,


bequest, grant, or loan from a private source. The interlocal


agreement may also provide for a method or formula for equitably


allocating and financing the capital and operating costs, including


payments to reserve funds authorized by law and payments of


principal and interest on obligations. Each method or formula shall


be established by the participating parties to the interlocal


agreement on a ratio of full valuation of real property, on the


basis of the amount of services rendered or to be rendered, on the


basis of benefits received or conferred or to be received or


conferred, or on any other equitable basis, including the levying


of taxes or assessments on the entire area serviced by the parties


to the interlocal agreement, subject to such limitations as may be


contained in the constitution and statutes of this state, to pay


those capital and operating costs.


     (g) The manner of employing, engaging, compensating,


transferring, or discharging necessary personnel, subject both to


the provisions of applicable civil service and merit systems. , and


the following restrictions:


     (i) The employees who are necessary for the operation of an


undertaking created by an interlocal agreement, shall be


transferred to and appointed as employees subject to all rights and


benefits. These employees shall be given seniority credits and sick


leave, vacation, insurance, and pension credits in accordance with


the records or labor agreements from the acquired system. Members


and beneficiaries of any pension or retirement system or other


benefits established by the acquired system shall continue to have


rights, privileges, benefits, obligations, and status with respect


to such established system. The political subdivisions to which the


functions or responsibilities have been transferred shall assume


the obligation of any transportation system acquired by it with


regard to wages, salaries, hours, working conditions, sick leave,


health and welfare, and pension or retirement provisions for


employees. If the employees of an acquired system were not


guaranteed sick leave, health and welfare, and pension or


retirement pay based on seniority, the political subdivision shall


not be required to provide these benefits retroactively.


     (ii) An employee who is transferred to a position with the


political subdivision shall not, by reason of the transfer, be


placed in any worse position with respect to worker's compensation,


pension, seniority, wages, sick leave, vacation, health and welfare


insurance, or any other benefits that the employee enjoyed as an


employee of the acquired system.


     (h) The fixing and collecting of charges, rates, rents, fees,


loan repayments, loan interest rates, or other charges on loans,


where appropriate, and the making and promulgation of necessary


rules and regulations and their enforcement by or with the


assistance of the participating parties to the interlocal




     (i) The manner in which purchases shall be made and contracts


entered into.


     (j) The acquisition, ownership, custody, operation,


maintenance, lease, or sale of real or personal property.


     (k) The disposition, division, or distribution of any property


acquired through the execution of such interlocal agreement.


     (l) The manner in which, after the completion of the purpose of


the interlocal agreement, any surplus money shall be returned.


     (m) The acceptance of gifts, grants, assistance funds, or


bequests and the manner in which those gifts, grants, assistance


funds, or bequests may be used for the purpose set forth in the


interlocal agreement.


     (n) The making of claims for federal or state aid payable to


the individual or several participants on account of the execution


of the interlocal agreement.


     (o) The manner of responding for any liabilities that might be


incurred through performance of the interlocal agreement and


insuring against any such liability.


     (p) The adjudication of disputes or disagreements, the effects


of failure of participating parties to pay their shares of the


costs and expenses, and the rights of the other participants in


such cases.


     (q) The manner in which strict accountability of all funds


shall be provided for and the manner in which reports, including an


annual independent audit, of all receipts and disbursements shall


be prepared and presented to each participating party to the


interlocal agreement.


     (r) The manner of investing surplus funds or proceeds of


grants, gifts, or bequests to the parties to the interlocal


agreement under the control of a legal or administrative entity


created under section 7.


     (s) Any other necessary and proper matters agreed upon by the


participating public agencies.