May 25, 2007, Introduced by Senators CROPSEY, KUIPERS, JELINEK, ALLEN and GARCIA and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.




     A bill to amend 1961 PA 236, entitled


"Revised judicature act of 1961,"


by amending section 5827 (MCL 600.5827) and by adding chapter 30


and section 5840.






     Sec. 3001. As used in this chapter:


     (a) "AMA guides to the evaluation of permanent impairment"


means the American medical association's guides to the evaluation


of permanent impairment (fifth edition, 2000).


     (b) "Asbestos" means that term as defined in 29 CFR 1910.1001.


     (c) "Asbestos claim" means a claim for damages or other civil


or equitable relief presented in a civil action, arising out of,


based on, or related to the health effects of exposure to asbestos,


including loss of consortium and any other derivative claim made by


or on behalf of an exposed person or a representative, spouse,


parent, child, or other relative of an exposed person. Asbestos


claim does not include a claim for benefits under a workers'


compensation law or veterans' benefits program or claims brought by


a person as a subrogee by virtue of the payment of benefits under a


workers' compensation law.


     (d) "Asbestosis" means bilateral diffuse interstitial fibrosis


of the lungs caused by inhalation of asbestos fibers.


     (e) "Board-certified in internal medicine" means certified by


the American board of internal medicine or the American college of


osteopathic internists.


     (f) "Board-certified in occupational medicine" means certified


in the subspecialty of occupational-environmental or occupational


medicine by the American board of preventive medicine or the


American osteopathic board of preventive medicine.


     (g) "Board-certified in oncology" means certified in the


subspecialty of medical oncology or oncology by the American board


of internal medicine or the American college of osteopathic




     (h) "Board-certified in pathology" means a physician who holds


primary certification in anatomic pathology or clinical pathology


from the American board of pathology or the American osteopathic


board of pathology and to whose professional practice both of the


following apply:


     (i) The practice is principally in the field of pathology.


     (ii) The practice involves regular evaluation of pathology


materials obtained from surgical or postmortem specimens.


     (i) "Board-certified in pulmonary medicine" means certified in


the subspecialty of pulmonary disease by the American board of


internal medicine or the American college of osteopathic




     (j) "Certified 'B' reader" means an individual qualified as a


final or "B" reader under 42 CFR 37.51(b).


     (k) "Civil action" means an action or claim of a civil nature


in court, whether defined as a case at law or in equity or


admiralty. Civil action does not include an action relating to a


workers' compensation law or a proceeding for benefits under a


veterans' benefits program.


     (l) "Economic loss" means a pecuniary loss resulting from


physical impairment, including the loss of earnings or other


benefits related to employment, medical expense loss, replacement


services loss, loss due to death, burial costs, and loss of


business or employment opportunities.


     (m) "Exposed person" means a person whose exposure to asbestos


or to asbestos-containing products is the basis for an asbestos




     (n) "FEV1" means forced expiratory volume in the first second,


which is the maximal volume of air expelled in 1 second during


performance of a simple spirometric test.


     (o) "FVC" means forced vital capacity, which is the maximal


volume of air expelled with maximum effort from a position of full




     (p) "ILO scale" means the system for the classification of


chest x-rays contained in the international labour organization's


guidelines for the use of ILO international classification of


radiographs of pneumoconioses (2000).


     Sec. 3002. As used in this chapter:


     (a) "Lung cancer" means a malignant tumor located inside a


lung. Lung cancer does not include mesothelioma.


     (b) "Mesothelioma" means a malignant tumor with a primary site


in the pleura or the peritoneum that has been diagnosed by a


physician who is board-certified in pathology using standardized


and accepted criteria of microscopic morphology or appropriate


staining techniques, or both.


     (c) "Noneconomic loss" means subjective, nonmonetary loss


resulting from physical impairment, including pain, suffering,


inconvenience, mental anguish, emotional distress, disfigurement,


loss of society and companionship, loss of consortium, injury to


reputation, or any other nonpecuniary loss of any kind or nature.


     (d) "Nonmalignant condition" means any condition that is


caused or may be caused by asbestos, other than a diagnosed cancer.


     (e) "Nonsmoker" means a person who did not smoke cigarettes or


use any other tobacco product within the 15 years immediately


preceding the diagnosis that the person has a condition or disease


that is the basis for an asbestos or silica claim.


     (f) "Pathological evidence of asbestosis" means a statement by


a physician who is board-certified in pathology that more than 1


representative section of lung tissue uninvolved with any other


disease process demonstrates a pattern of peribronchiolar or


parenchymal fibrosis in the presence of characteristic asbestos


bodies and that there is no other, more likely explanation for the


presence of the fibrosis.


     (g) "Predicted lower limit of normal" means, with respect to a


test, the fifth percentile of healthy populations based on age,


height, and gender, as referenced in the AMA guides to the


evaluation of permanent impairment.


     (h) "Punitive damages" means damages awarded against a


defendant in order to punish or deter the defendant or others from


engaging in similar behavior in the future.


     (i) "Qualified physician" means a physician who has all of the


following qualifications:


     (i) Is board-certified in internal medicine, oncology,


pathology, pulmonary medicine, radiology, or occupational medicine.


     (ii) Has conducted a physical examination of the exposed




     (iii) Is treating or has treated the exposed person and has or


had a doctor-patient relationship with the exposed person.


     (iv) Does not spend more than 10% of his or her professional


practice time providing consulting or expert services in connection


with actual or potential civil actions, and the physician's medical


group, professional corporation, clinic, or other affiliated group


does not earn more than 20% of its income from providing such




     (v) Is currently licensed to practice and actively practices


in the state where the plaintiff resides or where the plaintiff's


civil action was filed.


     (vi) Receives or has received payment for the treatment of the


exposed person from the exposed person's third party payer.


     (j) "Radiological evidence of asbestosis" means a quality 1


chest x-ray on the ILO scale or, if the exposed person is deceased


and pathology and a quality 1 chest x-ray are not available, a


quality 2 chest x-ray, that shows small, irregular opacities (s, t)


graded by a certified "B" reader as at least 1/1 on the ILO scale.


     (k) "Radiological evidence of diffuse pleural thickening"


means a quality 1 chest x-ray on the ILO scale or, if the exposed


person is deceased and pathology and a quality 1 chest x-ray are


not available, a quality 2 chest x-ray, that shows bilateral


pleural thickening of at least B2 on the ILO scale and blunting of


at least 1 costophrenic angle.


     Sec. 3003. As used in this chapter:


     (a) "Silica" means a respirable crystalline form of silicon


dioxide, including, but not limited to, alpha, quartz,


cristobalite, and trydmite.


     (b) "Silica claim" means a claim for damages or other civil or


equitable relief presented in a civil action, arising out of, based


on, or related to the health effects of exposure to silica,


including loss of consortium and any other derivative claim made by


or on behalf of an exposed person or a representative, spouse,


parent, child, or other relative of an exposed person. Silica claim


does not include a claim for benefits under a workers' compensation


law or veterans' benefits program or claims brought by a person as


a subrogee by virtue of the payment of benefits under a workers'


compensation law.


     (c) "Silicosis" means nodular interstitial fibrosis of the


lungs produced caused by inhalation of silica.


     (d) "Smoker" means a person who has smoked cigarettes or used


another tobacco product within the 15 years immediately preceding


the diagnosis that the person has a condition or disease that is


the basis for an asbestos or silica claim.


     (e) "State" means a state of the United States, the District


of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana


Islands, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and any other


territory or possession of the United States or a political


subdivision of a political entity defined as a state.


     (f) "Substantial contributing factor" means that all of the


following apply:


     (i) Exposure to asbestos or silica is the predominate cause of


the physical impairment alleged in the claim.


     (ii) The exposure to asbestos or silica took place on a regular


basis over an extended period of time and in close proximity to the


exposed person.


     (iii) A qualified physician has determined with a reasonable


degree of medical certainty that the physical impairment of the


exposed person would not have occurred but for the exposure to


asbestos or silica.


     (g) "Third party payer" means a public or private health care


payment or benefits program, including, but not limited to, all of


the following:


     (i) A health insurer.


     (ii) A nonprofit health care corporation.


     (iii) A organization.


     (iv) A preferred provider organization.


     (v) Medicaid or medicare.


     (h) "Veterans' benefit program" means a program for benefits


in connection with military service administered by the veterans'


administration under title 38 of the United States Code.


     (i) "Workers' compensation law" means a law respecting a


program administered by a state or the United States to provide


benefits, funded by a responsible employer or its insurance


carrier, for occupational diseases or injuries or for disability or


death caused by occupational diseases or injuries. Workers'


compensation law includes the longshore and harbor workers'


compensation act, 33 USC 901 to 950, and 5 USC 8101 to 8193,


popularly known as the federal employees' compensation act.


Workers' compensation law does not include 45 USC 51 to 60,


popularly known as the federal employers' liability act.


     Sec. 3005. (1) A person is not entitled to assert an asbestos


claim or a silica claim unless the exposed person has a physical


impairment to which asbestos or silica exposure was a substantial


contributing factor.


     (2) A person shall not bring or maintain a civil action


alleging an asbestos claim based on a nonmalignant condition unless


the person makes a prima facie showing that the exposed person has


or had a physical impairment resulting from a medical condition to


which exposure to asbestos was a substantial contributing factor. A


prima facie showing required by this subsection includes, at a


minimum, all of the following:


     (a) Evidence verifying that a qualified physician has taken a


detailed occupational and exposure history of the exposed person


or, if the exposed person is deceased, from a person who is


knowledgeable about the exposures that form the basis of the


asbestos claim, including both of the following:


     (i) The identification of all of the exposed person's principal


places of employment and exposures to airborne contaminants.


     (ii) Whether each place of employment involved exposures to


airborne contaminants, including, but not limited to, asbestos


fibers or other disease causing dusts, that can cause pulmonary


impairment and the nature, duration, and level of each exposure.


     (b) Evidence verifying that a qualified physician has taken a


detailed medical and smoking history, including a thorough review


of the exposed person's past and present medical problems and the


most probable cause of the problems.


     (c) A determination by a qualified physician, on the basis of


a medical examination and pulmonary function testing, that the


exposed person has or had a permanent respiratory impairment rating


of at least class 2 as defined by and evaluated pursuant to the AMA


guides to the evaluation of permanent impairment.


     (d) A diagnosis by a qualified physician of asbestosis or


diffuse pleural thickening, based at a minimum on radiological or


pathological evidence of asbestosis or radiological evidence of


diffuse pleural thickening.


     (e) A determination by a qualified physician that asbestosis


or diffuse pleural thickening, rather than chronic obstructive


pulmonary disease, is or was a substantial contributing factor to


the exposed person's physical impairment, based at a minimum on a


determination that the exposed person has or had 1 or more of the




     (i) Total lung capacity, by plethysmography or timed gas


dilution, below the predicted lower limit of normal.


     (ii) FVC below the lower limit of normal and a ratio of FEV1 to


FVC that is equal to or greater than the predicted lower limit of




     (iii) A chest x-ray showing small, irregular opacities (s, t)


graded by a certified "B" reader at least 2/1 on the ILO scale.


     (f) A conclusion by a qualified physician that the exposed


person's medical findings and impairment were not more probably the


result of causes other than the asbestos exposure revealed by the


exposed person's employment and medical history.


     (3) A person shall not bring or maintain a civil action


alleging an asbestos claim based on lung cancer unless the person


makes a prima facie showing that includes, at a minimum, all of the




     (a) Diagnosis by a qualified physician who is board-certified


in pathology, pulmonary medicine, or oncology of a primary lung


cancer and that exposure to asbestos was a substantial contributing


factor to the cancer.


     (b) Evidence sufficient to demonstrate that at least 10 years


have elapsed between the date of first exposure to asbestos and the


date of diagnosis of the lung cancer.


     (c) Either of the following:


     (i) If the exposed person is a nonsmoker, either of the




     (A) Radiological or pathological evidence of asbestosis.


     (B) Evidence of occupational exposure to asbestos for 1 or


more of the following minimum exposure periods:


     (I) Five exposure years if the exposed person was an


insulator, shipyard worker, worker in a manufacturing plant


handling raw asbestos, boilermaker, shipfitter, or steamfitter or


worked in another trade performing similar functions.


     (II) Ten exposure years if the exposed person was a utility or


power house worker or secondary manufacturing worker or worked in


another trade performing similar functions.


     (III) Fifteen exposure years if the exposed person was in


general construction, a maintenance worker, a chemical or refinery


worker, marine engine room personnel or other personnel on a


vessel, a stationary engineer or fireman, or a railroad engine


repair worker or worked in another trade performing similar




     (ii) If the exposed person is a smoker, the requirements of


both sub-subparagraphs (A) and (B) of subparagraph (i).


     (d) A conclusion by a qualified physician that the exposed


person's medical findings and physical impairment were not more


probably the result of causes other than the asbestos exposure


revealed by the exposed person's employment and medical history.


     (4) A person shall not bring or maintain a civil action


alleging an asbestos claim based on cancer of the colon, rectum,


larynx, pharynx, esophagus, or stomach unless the person makes a


prima facie showing that includes, at a minimum, all of the




     (a) A diagnosis by a qualified physician who is board-


certified in pathology, pulmonary medicine, or oncology of primary


cancer of the colon, rectum, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, or


stomach, as applicable, and that exposure to asbestos was a


substantial contributing factor to the cancer.


     (b) Evidence sufficient to demonstrate that at least 10 years


have elapsed between the date of first exposure to asbestos and the


date of diagnosis of the cancer.


     (c) One or both of the following:


     (i) Radiological or pathological evidence of asbestosis.


     (ii) Evidence of occupational exposure to asbestos for 1 or


more of the following minimum exposure periods:


     (A) Five exposure years if the exposed person was an


insulator, shipyard worker, worker in a manufacturing plant


handling raw asbestos, boilermaker, shipfitter, or steamfitter or


worker in another trade performing similar functions.


     (B) Ten exposure years if the exposed person was a utility or


power house worker or secondary manufacturing worker or worker in


another trade performing similar functions.


     (C) Fifteen exposure years if the exposed person was in


general construction, a maintenance worker, a chemical or refinery


worker, marine engine room personnel or other personnel on a


vessel, a stationary engineer or fireman, a railroad engine repair


worker, or a worker in another trade performing similar functions.


     (d) A conclusion by a qualified physician that the exposed


person's medical findings and physical impairment were not more


probably the result of causes other than the asbestos exposure


revealed by the exposed person's employment and medical history.


     (5) A prima facie showing under this section is not required


in a civil action alleging an asbestos claim based on mesothelioma.


     (6) A person shall not bring or maintain a civil action


alleging a silica claim unless the person makes a prima facie


showing that the exposed person suffered a physical impairment as a


result of a medical condition to which exposure to silica was a


substantial contributing factor. A prima facie showing under this


subsection shall include, at a minimum, all of the following:


     (a) Evidence verifying that a qualified physician has taken a


detailed occupational and exposure history of the exposed person


or, if the exposed person is deceased, from a person who is


knowledgeable about the exposures that form the basis of the


nonmalignant silica claim, which history includes all of the




     (i) All of the exposed person's principal places of employment


and exposures to airborne contaminants.


     (ii) Whether each place of employment involved exposures to


airborne contaminants, including, but not limited to, silica


particles or other disease causing dusts, that can cause pulmonary


impairment and the nature, duration, and level of any such




     (b) Evidence verifying that a qualified physician has taken a


detailed medical and smoking history, including a thorough review


of the exposed person's past and present medical problems and the


most probable cause of the problems, and verifying a sufficient


latency period for the applicable stage of silicosis.


     (c) A determination by a qualified physician, on the basis of


a medical examination and pulmonary function testing, that the


exposed person has a permanent respiratory impairment rating of at


least class 2 as defined by and evaluated pursuant to the AMA


guides to the evaluation of permanent impairment.


     (d) A determination by a qualified physician that the exposed


person has either of the following:


     (i) A quality 1 chest x-ray under the ILO scale or, if the


exposed person is deceased and pathology and quality 1 x-ray are


not available, a quality 2 x-ray, that has been read by a certified


"B" reader as showing, according to the ILO scale, bilateral


nodular opacities (p, q, or r) occurring primarily in the upper


lung fields, graded 1/1 or higher.


     (ii) Pathological demonstration of classic silicotic nodules


exceeding 1 centimeter in diameter as published in 112 archive of


pathology and laboratory medicine 7 (July 1988).


     (e) A conclusion by a qualified physician that the exposed


person's medical findings and impairment were not more probably the


result of causes other than the silica exposure revealed by the


exposed person's employment and medical history.


     (7) A person shall not bring or maintain a civil action


alleging a silica claim other than a claim described in subsection


(6) unless the person makes a prima facie showing that includes, at


a minimum, all of the following:


     (a) A report that meets either of the following requirements:


     (i) The report is by a physician who is board-certified in


pulmonary medicine, internal medicine, oncology, or pathology and


states a diagnosis of the exposed person of silica-related lung


cancer and that, to a reasonable degree of medical probability,


exposure to silica was a substantial contributing factor to the


diagnosed lung cancer.


     (ii) The report is by a physician who is board-certified in


pulmonary medicine, internal medicine, or pathology and states a


diagnosis of the exposed person of silica-related progressive


massive fibrosis or acute silicoproteinosis or of silicosis


complicated by documented tuberculosis.


     (b) Evidence verifying that a qualified physician has taken a


detailed occupational and exposure history of the exposed person


or, if the exposed person is deceased, from a person who is


knowledgeable about the exposures that form the basis of the


nonmalignant silica claim, which history includes both of the




     (i) All of the exposed person's principal places of employment


and exposures to airborne contaminants.


     (ii) Whether each place of employment involved exposures to


airborne contaminants, including, but not limited to, silica


particles or other disease causing dusts, that can cause pulmonary


impairment and the nature, duration, and level of the exposure.


     (c) Evidence verifying that a qualified physician has taken a


detailed medical and smoking history, including a thorough review


of the exposed person's past and present medical problems and the


most probable cause of the problems.


     (d) A determination by a qualified physician that the exposed


person has either of the following:


     (i) A quality 1 chest x-ray under the ILO scale or, if the


exposed person is deceased and pathology and a quality 1 chest x-


ray are not available, a quality 2 chest x-ray, that has been read


by a certified "B" reader as showing, according to the ILO scale,


bilateral nodular opacities (p, q, or r) occurring primarily in the


upper lung fields, graded 1/1 or higher.


     (ii) Pathological demonstration of classic silicotic nodules


exceeding 1 centimeter in diameter as published in 112 archive of


pathology and laboratory medicine 7 (July 1988).


     (e) A conclusion by a qualified physician that the exposed


person's medical findings and impairment were not more probably the


result of causes other than the silica exposure revealed by the


exposed person's employment and medical history.


     (8) To qualify for consideration under this section as


evidence relating to physical impairment, evidence, including


pulmonary function testing and diffusing studies, shall meet all of


the following criteria:


     (a) Comply with the technical recommendations for


examinations, testing procedures, quality assurance, quality


control, and equipment of the AMA guides to the evaluation of


permanent impairment, contained in 20 CFR part 404, subpart P,


appendix 1, part A, section 3.00 E. and F., and the interpretive


standards in the official statement of the American thoracic


society entitled "lung function testing: selection of reference


values and interpretive strategies" as published in American review


of respiratory disease, 1991: 144:1202-1218.


     (b) Not be obtained through testing or examinations that


violate any applicable law, regulation, licensing requirement, or


medical code of practice.


     (c) Not be obtained under the condition that the exposed


person retain legal services in exchange for the examination, test,


or screening.


     (9) For purposes of this section, the number of exposure years


shall be determined as follows:


     (a) Each single year of exposure prior to 1972 shall be


counted as 1 year.


     (b) Subject to subdivision (d), each single year of exposure


from 1972 through 1979 shall be counted as 1/2 year.


     (c) Subject to subdivision (d), exposure after 1979 shall not


be counted.


     (d) Each year after 1971 for which the plaintiff can establish


exposure exceeding the United States department of labor


occupational safety and health administration limit for 8-hour


time-weighted average airborne concentration for a substantial


portion of the year shall be counted as 1 year.


     (10) All of the following apply to a ruling by a court that a


plaintiff has satisfactorily presented prima facie evidence to meet


the applicable requirements of this section:


     (a) The ruling does not raise a presumption at trial that the


exposed person is impaired by an asbestos- or silica-related




     (b) The ruling is not conclusive as to the liability of any




     (c) The ruling is not admissible at trial.


     Sec. 3007. (1) A court may consolidate for trial any number


and type of asbestos or silica claims if all of the parties to the


claims consent. If all of the parties to the claims do not consent,


the court may consolidate for trial only asbestos or silica claims


relating to the same exposed person and members of the exposed


person's household.


     (2) A civil action alleging an asbestos or silica claim may


only be brought in this state if the plaintiff is domiciled in this


state or the exposure to asbestos or silica that is a substantial


contributing factor to the physical impairment on which the claim


is based occurred in this state.


     (3) The plaintiff in a civil action alleging an asbestos or


silica claim shall file with the complaint or other initial


pleading a written report and supporting test results that


constitute prima facie evidence of the exposed person's asbestos-


or silica-related physical impairment that meets the applicable


requirements of section 3005. In an asbestos or silica claim


pending on the effective date of the amendatory act that added this


chapter, the plaintiff shall file a written report and supporting


test results that comply with this subsection not later than 60


days after the effective date of the amendatory act that added this


chapter or 30 days before the commencement of trial of the action,


whichever occurs first.


     (4) A court shall give a defendant in a civil action that


includes an asbestos or silica claim a reasonable opportunity to


challenge the adequacy of prima facie evidence of an asbestos- or


silica-related impairment offered under this chapter.


     (5) If a court determines that a plaintiff has failed to make


the prima facie showing required by this chapter, the plaintiff's


claim shall be dismissed without prejudice.


     Sec. 3009. (1) The period of limitations for an asbestos or


silica claim that is not barred as of the effective date of the


amendatory act that added this chapter accrues when the exposed


person discovers, or through the exercise of reasonable diligence


should have discovered, that he or she is physically impaired by an


asbestos- or silica-related condition.


     (2) An asbestos or silica claim arising out of a nonmalignant


condition is a distinct cause of action from an asbestos or silica


claim relating to the same exposed person arising out of asbestos-


or silica-related cancer.


     (3) Damages for fear or risk of cancer shall not be awarded in


a civil action asserting an asbestos or silica claim.


     (4) The settlement of a nonmalignant asbestos or silica claim


concluded after the effective date of the amendatory act that added


this chapter shall not require, as a condition of the settlement,


the release of any future claim for asbestos- or silica-related




     Sec. 3011. (1) Except as provided in subsection (2), the total


amount of damages awarded for noneconomic loss in a civil action


that includes an asbestos or silica claim shall not exceed


$250,000.00 or 3 times the amount of economic loss, whichever is


greater, regardless of the number of parties against whom the


action is brought.


     (2) The total amount of damages awarded for noneconomic loss


in a civil action that includes an asbestos claim based upon


mesothelioma shall not exceed $500,000.00 or 3 times the amount of


economic loss, whichever is greater, regardless of the number of


parties against whom the action is brought.


     (3) Punitive damages shall not be awarded in a civil action


that includes an asbestos or silica claim.


     (4) At the time a complaint is filed in a civil action that


includes an asbestos or silica claim, the plaintiff shall file a


verified written report with the court that discloses the total


amount of any payments the plaintiff has received or reasonably


expects to receive from any source, including, but not limited to,


collateral source payments, settlements with joint tort feasors, or


recoveries from joint tort feasor bankruptcy trusts, as a result of


settlements or judgments based on the same claim. In a civil action


alleging an asbestos or silica claim pending on the effective date


of the amendatory act that added this chapter, the plaintiff shall


file the verified written report required by this subsection not


later than 60 days after the effective date of the act that added


this chapter or 30 days before the commencement of trial of the


action, whichever occurs first.


     (5) A plaintiff in a civil action that includes an asbestos or


silica claim shall file updated reports disclosing the total amount


of payments received, or to be received in the future, on a regular


basis until a final judgment is entered in the action.


     (6) A court shall ensure that information contained in the


initial and updated reports required by subsections (4) and (5) are


treated as privileged and confidential and that the contents of the


reports are not disclosed to anyone except the other parties to the




     Sec. 3013. (1) An attorney or representative of an individual


shall not receive, for services rendered in connection with filing,


litigating, settling, or otherwise assisting in bringing an


asbestos or silica claim governed by this chapter, more than 20% of


the amount awarded to the individual by way of settlement or




     (2) A representative of an asbestos or silica claimant who


violates this section shall be fined for each violation not more


than the greater of $5,000.00 or twice the amount received by the


representative for services rendered.


     Sec. 3015. (1) A product seller other than a manufacturer is


liable to a plaintiff in a civil action that includes an asbestos


or silica claim only if the plaintiff establishes 1 or more of the




     (a) All of the following:


     (i) The product that allegedly caused the harm that is the


subject of the complaint was sold, rented, or leased by the product




     (ii) The product seller failed to exercise reasonable care with


respect to the product.


     (iii) The failure to exercise reasonable care was a proximate


cause of the harm to the exposed person.


     (b) All of the following:


     (i) The product seller made an express warranty applicable to


the product that allegedly caused the harm that is the subject of


the complaint, independent of any express warranty made by the


manufacturer as to the same product.


     (ii) The product failed to conform to the warranty.


     (iii) The failure of the product to conform to the warranty


caused the harm to the exposed person.


     (c) Both of the following:


     (i) The product seller engaged in intentional wrongdoing, as


determined under applicable state law.


     (ii) The intentional wrongdoing caused the harm that is the


subject of the complaint.


     (2) For purposes of subsection (1)(a)(ii), a product seller's


failure to inspect the product is not a failure to exercise


reasonable care with respect to the product if either of the


following applies:


     (a) The failure occurred because there was no reasonable


opportunity to inspect the product.


     (b) An inspection of the product, in the exercise of


reasonable care, would not have revealed the aspect of the product


that allegedly caused the exposed person's impairment.


     (3) In a civil action that includes an asbestos or silica


claim, a person engaged in the business of renting or leasing a


product is not liable for the tortious act of another solely by


reason of ownership of the product.


     Sec. 3017. This chapter does not affect the scope or operation


of any workers' compensation law or veterans' benefit program or


the exclusive remedy or subrogation provisions of any such law or


authorize any lawsuit that is barred by such law.


     Sec. 3019. This chapter applies to a civil action that


includes an asbestos or silica claim in which trial has not


commenced as of the effective date of the amendatory act that added


this chapter.


     Sec. 5827. Except as otherwise expressly provided, the period


of limitations runs from the time the claim accrues. The claim


accrues at the time provided in sections 5829 to 5838 5840, and in


cases not covered by these sections the claim accrues at the time


the wrong upon which the claim is based was done regardless of the


time when damage results.


     Sec. 5840. (1) An asbestos or silica claim described in


section 3009(1) accrues as provided in section 3009(1).


     (2) As used in this section:


     (a) "Asbestos claim" means that term as defined in section




     (b) "Silica claim" means that term as defined in section 3003.