February 22, 2007, Introduced by Senators PATTERSON, GILBERT and GEORGE and referred to the Committee on Government Operations and Reform.




     A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the state


constitution of 1963, by amending section 13 of article IV, to


limit the legislative session.


     Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the


state of Michigan, That the following amendment to the state


constitution of 1963, to limit the legislative session, is


proposed, agreed to, and submitted to the people of the state:




     Sec. 13. Except when the legislature is called to convene on


extraordinary occasions, the legislature shall only meet as


provided in this section. The legislature shall meet at the seat of


government on the second Wednesday in January of each year at


twelve o'clock noon. Each regular session shall adjourn without


day, on a day determined by concurrent resolution, at twelve


o'clock noon. Any business, bill or joint resolution pending at the


final adjournment of a regular session held in an odd numbered year


shall carry over with the same status to the next regular session.


In 2009 and every year after 2009, the legislature shall meet for


not more than 90 consecutive days. In addition, the legislature may


be called to convene on an extraordinary occasion by unanimous


consent of the majority and minority leaders of each house of the




     Resolved further, That the foregoing amendment shall be


submitted to the people of the state at the next general election


in the manner provided by law.