Act No. 289

Public Acts of 2008

Approved by the Governor

October 6, 2008

Filed with the Secretary of State

October 6, 2008

EFFECTIVE DATE: October 6, 2008




Introduced by Senator McManus


AN ACT to amend 1978 PA 472, entitled "An act to regulate political activity; to regulate lobbyists, lobbyist agents, and lobbying activities; to require registration of lobbyists and lobbyist agents; to require the filing of reports; to prescribe the powers and duties of the department of state; to prescribe penalties; and to repeal certain acts and parts of acts," by amending section 4 (MCL 4.414) and by adding section 19.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

Sec. 4. (1) "Gift" means a payment, advance, forbearance, or the rendering or deposit of money, services, or anything of value, the value of which exceeds $25.00, as adjusted under section 19a, in any 1-month period, unless consideration of equal or greater value is received therefor. Gift includes a payment, advance, forbearance, or the rendering or deposit of money, services, or anything of value to aid the defense of an official in the legislative branch or an official in the executive branch against a legal action not directly related to the governmental duties of the official. Gift does not include the following:

(a) A campaign contribution otherwise reported as required by the Michigan campaign finance act, 1976 PA 388, MCL 169.201 to 169.282.

(b) A loan made in the normal course of business by an institution as defined in chapter 1 of the banking code of 1999, 1999 PA 276, MCL 487.11101 to 487.11203, a national bank, a branch bank, an insurance company issuing a loan or receiving a mortgage in the normal course of business, a premium finance company, a mortgage company, a small loan company, a state or federal credit union, a savings and loan association chartered by this state or the federal government, or a licensee as defined by the motor vehicle sales finance act, 1950 (Ex Sess) PA 27, MCL 492.101 to 492.141.

(c) A gift received from a member of the person's immediate family, a relative of a spouse, a relative within the seventh degree of consanguinity as computed by the civil law method, or from the spouse of the relative.

(d) A breakfast, luncheon, dinner, or other refreshment consisting of food and beverage provided for immediate consumption.

(e) A contribution to a legal defense fund that is registered with the secretary of state under the legal defense fund act and whose purpose is to defend an elected official against any criminal, civil, or administrative action, that arises directly out of the conduct of the elected official's governmental duties.

(2) "Immediate family" means a child residing in an individual's household, a spouse of an individual, or an individual claimed by that individual or that individual's spouse as a dependent for federal income tax purposes.

(3) "Loan" means a transfer of money, property, or anything of ascertainable value in exchange for an obligation, conditional or not, to repay in whole or in part.

Sec. 19. (1) A declaratory ruling shall be issued by the secretary of state under this section only if the person requesting the ruling has provided a reasonably complete statement of facts necessary for the ruling or if the person requesting the ruling has, with the permission of the secretary of state, supplied supplemental facts necessary for the ruling. A request for a declaratory ruling that is submitted to the secretary of state shall be made available for public inspection within 48 hours after its receipt. An interested person may submit written comments regarding the request to the secretary of state within 10 business days after the date the request is made available to the public. Within 45business days after receiving a declaratory ruling request, the secretary of state shall make a proposed response available to the public. An interested person may submit written comments regarding the proposed response to the secretary of state within 5 business days after the date the proposal is made available to the public. Except as otherwise provided in this section, the secretary of state shall issue a declaratory ruling within 60business days after a request for a declaratory ruling is received. If the secretary of state refuses to issue a declaratory ruling, the secretary of state shall notify the person making the request of the reasons for the refusal and shall issue an interpretive statement providing an informational response to the question presented within the same time limitation applicable to a declaratory ruling. A declaratory ruling or interpretive statement issued under this section shall not state a general rule of law, other than that which is stated in this act, until the general rule of law is promulgated by the secretary of state as a rule under the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL24.201 to 24.328, or under judicial order.

(2) Under extenuating circumstances, the secretary of state may issue a notice extending for not more than 30business days the period during which the secretary of state shall respond to a request for a declaratory ruling. The secretary of state shall not issue more than 1 notice of extension for a particular request. A person requesting a declaratory ruling may waive, in writing, the time limitations provided by this section.

(3) The secretary of state shall make available to the public an annual summary of the declaratory rulings and interpretive statements issued under this act by the secretary of state.

Enacting section 1. This amendatory act takes effect October 1, 2008.

Enacting section 2. This amendatory act does not take effect unless House Bill No. 4001 of the 94th Legislature is enacted into law.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.

Secretary of the Senate

Clerk of the House of Representatives

