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Senate Bill 483 (as introduced 4-28-09)
Sponsor: Senator Jason E. Allen
Committee: Hunting, Fishing and Outdoor Recreation

Date Completed: 5-20-09

The bill would amend Part 435 (Hunting and Fishing Licensing) of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act to delete a requirement that a person not possess dogs used during the hunt, when accompanying a licensed hunter on a bear or bobcat hunt without a hunting license.

Part 435 prohibits a person from hunting small game or bear, or trapping or hunting fur-bearing animals, unless he or she possesses the appropriate license. If authorized, a resident possessing a current small game license may take specified fur-bearing animals by means other than trapping during the open season for hunting them. A person who goes on a bobcat or bear hunt with a licensed hunter does not have to possess a license if he or she does not carry a firearm, bow, or crossbow and does not own or possess dogs used to chase or locate a bear or bobcat during the hunt. The bill would delete the reference to possession of dogs.

MCL 324.43523 et al. Legislative Analyst: Julie Cassidy

The bill would have no fiscal impact on State or local government.

Fiscal Analyst: Bill Bowerman

Analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent. sb483/0910