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Senate Bill 554 (as introduced 5-7-09)
Sponsor: Senator Roger Kahn, M.D.
Committee: Energy Policy and Public Utilities

Date Completed: 9-17-09

The bill would amend Public Act 3 of 1939, the Public Service Commission law, to prohibit a provider (a municipally owned utility) from shutting off electric or natural gas service to a customer who had failed to satisfy an obligation to the provider, unless the provider complied with the notice requirements of R 460.138 of the Michigan Administrative Code, as in effect on the bill's effective date.

If the Commission amended R 460.138 after the bill's effective date, a provider could elect to operate in compliance with the updated notice provisions.

(Rule 460.138 prohibits a utility from shutting off service unless it sends a notice to the customer by first-class mail or personally serves the notice at least 10 days before the date of the proposed shut-off. At least 30 days before the proposed shut-off of service to a single-metered dwelling that is used as a residence for three or more separate households, a utility must send to each dwelling unit a notice that indicates that the landlord has failed to pay an outstanding bill and is subject to shut-off of service on or after a specified date.)

Proposed MCL 460.9n Legislative Analyst: Suzanne Lowe

The bill would have no fiscal impact on State or local government.

Fiscal Analyst: Elizabeth Pratt Maria Tyszkiewicz

Analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent. sb554/0910