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Senate Bills 1484 and 1485 (as reported without amendment) (as enrolled)
Sponsor: Senator Alan L. Cropsey
Committee: Appropriations
The bills would amend the Correctional Industries Act to allow the Michigan Department of Corrections to establish a prison industry enhancement certification program for the purpose of allowing Michigan State Industries (MSI) to assign prisoners to a private textile manufacturing program in one or more State correctional facilities.
Senate Bill 1484 would allow the Michigan Department of Corrections to establish the certification program and enter into any necessary agreements that would allow individuals housed in State correctional facilities to participate in a private textile manufacturing program as an alternative to existing programs operated by Michigan State Industries.
The bill specifies that wages paid to participating prisoners would have to be not less than a rate paid for similar work in the locality where the work was being performed. These wages would be subject to all Federal, State, and local taxes; as well as deductions related to court-ordered family support payments and any required contributions to the Crime Victim's Rights Fund.
Prisoner participation in the program would be voluntary. The use of inmate labor could not result in the displacement of employed workers in the local region in which the same or comparable work was being performed.
Senate Bill 1485 would allow the sale, exchange, or purchase of correctional industries products described in Senate Bill 1484 to private individuals, corporations, and associations.
MCL 800.324 & 800.327 (S.B. 1384)
800.326 (S.B. 1385)
The bills would have an indeterminate fiscal impact on State government. While Michigan State Industries could achieve increased revenue under the bills, the State would not stand to earn additional revenue.
Date Completed: 9-22-10 Fiscal Analyst: Matthew GrabowskiAnalysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent. sb1484&1485/0910