HB-4700, As Passed House, April 30, 2009
A bill to amend 2000 PA 321, entitled
"Recreational authorities act,"
by amending section 3 (MCL 123.1133), as amended by 2003 PA 135.
Sec. 3. As used in this act:
(a) "Articles" means the articles of incorporation of an
(b) "Authority" means a recreational authority established
under section 5.
(c) "Board" means the board of directors of the authority.
(d) "District" means a portion of a municipality having
boundaries coterminous with those of a precinct used for general
(e) "Electors of the authority" means the qualified and
registered electors of the participating municipalities who reside
within the territory of the authority.
(f) "Largest county" means, of those counties in which a
participating municipality is located, the county having the
greatest population.
"Municipality" means a city, county, village, or township,
or school district.
(h) "Park" means an area of land or water, or both, dedicated
to 1 or more of the following uses:
(i) Recreational purposes, including, but not limited to,
landscaped tracts; picnic grounds; playgrounds; athletic fields;
camps; campgrounds; zoological and botanical gardens; living
historical farms; boating, hunting, fishing, and birding areas;
swimming areas; and foot, bicycle, and bridle paths.
(ii) Open or scenic space.
(iii) Environmental, conservation, nature, or wildlife areas.
(i) "Participating municipality" means a municipality or
district that is named in articles of incorporation or proposed
articles of incorporation as joining in the original establishment
of an authority, or a municipality or district that joins an
existing authority and is added to the articles of incorporation,
and that has not withdrawn from the authority.
(j) "Public historic farm" means a parcel of public land and
its buildings that are accessible to the public, and provides, but
is not limited to, agricultural and historical programs, farming
activities and animal husbandry, community recreation activities
House Bill No. 4700 (H-2) as amended April 30, 2009
and events, programs held in common areas, meeting rooms, and
community gardens, and access to surrounding parkland.
(k) "School district" means a school district that posts all
of its spending information on the school district website and
updates that information at least quarterly. [School district does not
include a school district that levies a millage to operate a system of public recreation and playgrounds pursuant to 1917 PA 156, MCL 123.51 to 123.54.]
(l) (k)
"Swimming pool" includes
equipment, structures, areas,
and enclosures intended for the use of individuals using or
operating a swimming pool, such as equipment, dressing, locker,
shower, and toilet rooms.
(m) (l) "Territory
of the authority" means the combined
territory of the participating municipalities that is served by an