April 1, 2009, Introduced by Rep. Jackson and referred to the Committee on Energy and Technology.


     A bill to amend 2007 PA 36, entitled


"Michigan business tax act,"


(MCL 208.1101 to 208.1601) by adding section 465.




     Sec. 465. (1) For tax years that begin after December 31,


2008, a taxpayer that furnishes broadband services to underserved


and rural areas may claim a credit against the tax imposed under


this act equal to the applicable percentage of the cost of each


qualified broadband property placed in service during the tax year.


     (2) If the amount of the credit allowed under this section and


any unused carryforward of the credit allowed by this section


exceed the tax liability of the taxpayer for the tax year, that


portion that exceeds the tax liability shall not be refunded, but


may be carried forward to offset tax liability in subsequent tax




     (3) If the taxpayer disposes of or ceases to use the qualified


broadband property to provide service to underserved and rural


areas for which a credit was claimed under this section less than 5


years after the year in which the credit was claimed, the following


percentage of the credit amount previously claimed relative to that


qualified broadband property shall be added back to the tax


liability of the taxpayer in the year that the taxpayer disposed of


or ceased to use that qualified broadband property:


     (a) If the disposal or cease of use is less than 1 year after


the year in which the credit was claimed, 100%.


     (b) If the disposal or cease of use is at least 1 year but


less than 2 years after the year in which the credit was claimed,




     (c) If the disposal or cease of use is at least 2 years but


less than 3 years after the year in which the credit was claimed,




     (d) If the disposal or cease of use is at least 3 years but


less than 4 years after the year in which the credit was claimed,




     (e) If the disposal or cease of use is at least 4 years but


less than 5 years after the year in which the credit was claimed,




     (f) If the disposal or cease of use is 5 years or more after


the year in which the credit was claimed, an addback to the


taxpayer's tax liability shall not be made.


     (4) As used in this section:


     (a) "Applicable percentage" means 50% for qualified broadband


property that is placed in service in an underserved or rural area


where on the effective date of the amendatory act that added this


section only 5% of the households have broadband access and 30% for


all other underserved or rural areas where more than 5% of


households have broadband access on the effective date of the


amendatory act that added this section.


     (b) "Broadband" means an internet protocol-based transmission


service at a speed that is not less than 5 megabits per second


downstream and 1 megabit per second upstream that enables users to


send and receive voice, video, data, graphics, or a combination


thereof without regard to any transmission media or technology.


     (c) "Qualified broadband property" means section 1245 property


that is tangible property or computer software used to provide


broadband services in underserved or rural areas to purchasers of


those broadband services and the original use of that property


commences with the taxpayer. Qualified broadband property does not


include any property described under section 50(b) of the internal


revenue code.


     (d) "Rural area" means any census tract outside a metropolitan


statistical area.


     (e) "Section 1245 property" means that term as defined under


section 1245 of the internal revenue code.


     (f) "Underserved area" means any of the following:


     (i) Any census tract that is located in an empowerment zone or


enterprise community designated under section 1391 of the internal


revenue code or in the District of Columbia enterprise zone


established under section 1400 of the internal revenue code.


     (ii) Any census tract located in a metropolitan statistical


area in which the poverty level based on the most recent census


data is at least 30% and the median family income does not exceed


70% of the greater of the metropolitan area median family income or


the statewide median family income.


     (iii) Any census tract located in a nonmetropolitan statistical


area in which the poverty level based on the most recent census


data is at least 30% and the median family income does not exceed


70% of the nonmetropolitan statewide median family income.