May 26, 2009, Introduced by Reps. Bledsoe, Tyler, Walsh, Geiss, Stanley, Barnett, Schuitmaker, Mayes, Kowall, Rogers, Lori, Kandrevas, Scripps, Proos, Meadows and Wayne Schmidt and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.
A bill to amend 1927 PA 175, entitled
"The code of criminal procedure,"
by amending section 13g of chapter XVII (MCL 777.13g), as amended
by 2003 PA 232.
2 Sec. 13g. This chapter applies to the following felonies
3 enumerated in chapter 324 of the Michigan Compiled Laws:
4 M.C.L. Category Class Description Stat Max
5 324.76107(3) Pub ord D Removing or mutilating human body from Great Lakes bottomland 10
6 324.76107(4)(c) Property E Recovering abandoned property in Great Lakes having value of $1,000 to $20,000 or with prior convictions 5
1 324.76107(4)(d) Property D Recovering abandoned property in Great Lakes having value of $20,000 or more or with prior convictions 10
2 324.80130d(1) Pub ord H False representation to obtain personal information 4
3 324.80130d(2) Pub ord G False representation to obtain personal information — second offense 7
4 324.80130d(3) Pub ord C False representation to obtain personal information — third or subsequent offense 15
5 324.80134a(2) Person E Failure to stop at scene of marine accident causing serious impairment or death 5
6 324.80134a(3) Person C Failure to stop at scene of marine accident causing death when at fault 15
7 324.80172 Person G Negligent crippling or homicide by vessel 2
8 324.80173 Person G Felonious operation of a vessel 2
9 324.80176(4) Person C Operating a vessel under the influence causing death 15
10 324.80176(5) Person E Operating a vessel under the influence causing serious impairment 5
11 324.80177(1)(c) Pub saf E Operating a vessel under the influence — third or subsequent offense 5
12 324.80319a(1) Pub ord H False representation to obtain personal information 4
1 324.80319a(2) Pub ord G False representation to obtain personal information — second offense 7
2 324.80319a(3) Pub ord C False representation to obtain personal information — third or subsequent offense 15
3 324.81120(1) Pub ord H False representation to obtain personal information 4
4 324.81120(2) Pub ord G False representation to obtain personal information — second offense 7
5 324.81120(3) Pub ord C False representation to obtain personal information — third or subsequent offense 15
6 324.81134(6) Pub saf E Operating an ORV under the influence or impaired or with presence of a controlled substance — third or subsequent offense 5
7 324.81134(7) Person C Operating an ORV under the influence or impaired or with presence of a controlled substance causing death 15
8 324.81134(8) Person E Operating an ORV under the influence or impaired or with presence of a controlled substance causing serious impairment 5
9 324.82126c(1) Person G Operating a snowmobile carelessly or negligently causing death or serious impairment 2
1 324.82126c(2) Person G Operating a snowmobile without regard to safety causing serious impairment 2
2 324.82127(4) Person C Operating a snowmobile under the influence causing death 15
3 324.82127(5) Person E Operating a snowmobile under the influence causing serious impairment 5
4 324.82128(1)(c) Pub saf E Operating a snowmobile under the influence — third or subsequent offense 5
5 324.82160(1) Pub ord H False representation to obtain personal information 4
6 324.82160(2) Pub ord G False representation to obtain personal information — second offense 7
7 324.82160(3) Pub ord C False representation to obtain personal information — third or subsequent offense 15
8 Enacting section 1. This amendatory act takes effect January
9 1, 2010.
10 Enacting section 2. This amendatory act does not take effect
11 unless Senate Bill No.____ or House Bill No.____ (request no.
12 02530'09) of the 95th Legislature is enacted into law.