December 1, 2009, Introduced by Reps. Bolger, Lori, Rogers, Scripps, Stanley, Pavlov, Liss and Genetski and referred to the Committee on Judiciary.


     A bill to amend 2000 PA 92, entitled


"Food law of 2000,"


(MCL 289.1101 to 289.8111) by amending the title and by adding


section 5104.






     An act to codify the licensure and regulation of certain


persons engaged in processing, manufacturing, production, packing,


preparing, repacking, canning, preserving, freezing, fabricating,


storing, selling, serving, or offering for sale food or drink for


human consumption; to prescribe powers and duties of the department


of agriculture; to provide for delegation of certain powers and


duties to certain local units of government; to provide exemptions;


to regulate the labeling, manufacture, distribution, and sale of


food for protection of the consuming public and to prevent fraud


and deception by prohibiting the misbranding, adulteration,


manufacture, distribution, and sale of foods in violation of this


act; to provide standards for food products and food


establishments; to provide for immunity to certain persons under


certain circumstances; to provide for enforcement of the act; to


provide penalties and remedies for violation of the act; to provide


for fees; to provide for promulgation of rules; and to repeal acts


and parts of acts.


     Sec. 5104. A person including, but not limited to, a person


acting as a retail food establishment, farmer, wholesaler,


wholesale processor, or distributor, who donated food for use or


distribution by a nonprofit organization or nonprofit corporation,


and a nonprofit organization or nonprofit corporation that collects


donated food and distributes that food to another nonprofit


organization or nonprofit corporation free of charge or for a


nominal fee, is not liable for any civil damages or subject to


criminal liability resulting from the nature, age, condition, or


packaging of the food unless it is established that the donor or


nonprofit organization or nonprofit corporation knew or had


reasonable grounds to know, at the time of making the donation or


distribution, that the food was adulterated or not fit for human

